New Timetable June 2024

As per the Whole School Calendar the new Timetable will start on Monday 3rd June. House Time will be extended on Monday to 0915 to enable House Time staff to issue new Timetables.

It has always been our intention to keep House Time teachers with their House class as they move through the school. As such the current House teachers will have the exact same pupils/class from Monday as they have now and pupils should report to their normal House Class on Monday morning.

New S2 pupils ( current S1 pupils) all have PE on Monday and should bring their PE Kit as normal. The current 3F class also have PE on Monday, the PE department have already let these new S4 pupils know.

On Monday, New S5 and S6 pupils will have an extended Assembly from 0915 to 1040 as part of their induction programme.

John Robertson
