
From Monday, 31 August 2020 face coverings should also be worn by staff and pupils when:

  • adults and young people in secondary schools (including special schools) are moving about the school in corridors and confined communal areas (including toilets), where physical distancing is particularly difficult to maintain;
  • adults, young people and children aged 5 and over are travelling on dedicated school transport.

We appreciate that some staff and children and young people will be unable to wear a face covering for good reasons and that position will be respected.

Staff and pupils should ensure they:

  • bring their own face coverings to school;
  • store these safely in a washable, sealable bag or container when not in use;
  • wash reusable face coverings in hot water at the end of each day; and
  • safely and hygienically dispose of disposable face coverings after use.

Please remember that a face covering can be as simple as a scarf, snood or other piece of cloth which covers the nose and mouth.

The Young Scot website has produced an excellent web page explaining the changes and further information on face coverings is available from the Scottish Government website.

Full face covering guidance is available by clicking here.