Careers News – College Applications

Interested in going to College? Here are the dates applications open for the following Colleges for January 2018 starts:

  • City of Glasgow College – opens on 11th October
  • West College Scotland (Clydebank) – NC Computing with Digital Media: Level 5 – applications for this have just opened this and other courses should appear this month.
  • New College Lanarkshire – will open at then end of October
  • West Lothian College – courses will be live after the October break but they have pathways courses just now for care related courses
  • Glasgow Kelvin – November or December

If you would like more advice about post school options, your School Careers Adviser is Sylvia Phee

Sylvia is based in the school Library every Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Friday and pupils can request to meet with her through pupil support or by asking her for an appointment.

A careers interview is a confidential one to one discussion which helps pupils develop career management skills and make well informed decisions about their career pathways in the future.

Drop in Career Clinic

This is held every Thursday during  lunch break and offers all pupils the chance to have career-related questions answered.

For more information, please see our post school options page.