Important: English Classes 2020-21

The English department will soon be using Microsoft Teams to deliver work to all classes. Please login to Teams using your Glow account to access your new English class for the 2020-21 session.

  • All current S1 and S3 pupils will remain with the same teacher(s) but you will now be known as S2 and S4
  • All current S2 and S4 pupils should check the table below to find out who their new English teacher will be
  • S5 English pupils progressing to S6 will be added to the relevant class at a later date once the options process is complete.
2019-20 Current session and teacher) 2020-21 New session and teacher
2T1 Ms Moseley 3A1 Mr McDonald
2T2 Mrs Passmore/Mrs Hall 3A2 Mrs Robertson-Bishop
2T3 Mr McDonald 3A3 Mrs Passmore/Mrs Hall
2T4 Mr Brown 3A4 TBC (Miss Downie)
2T5 Miss Downie 3A5 Ms Heron
2T6 Mrs Rodgers/ Miss Downie 3A6 Mr Brown


2019-20 Current session and teacher 2020-21 New session and teacher
4A1 Mr McDonald 5A1 Mrs Robertson-Bishop
4A2 Mr Brown/ Mrs Passmore 5A2 Ms Moseley
4A3 Mrs Rodgers 5A3 Mr McDonald
4A4 Mr Brown 5A4 Mrs Passmore
4A5 Ms Heron 5A4 Ms Heron
4A6 Mrs Rodgers 5A6 Mr Brown


Welcome back!

We hope you have all had a restful and enjoyable break from (home-)school and feel ready to learn again! 🙂 If you click on the link below you will find a grid of literacy tasks to complete that are suitable for any year group. Where links/resources are required, you can find these under the Links and Resources for Home Learning tab under Pages on the right-hand side. You will also find loads of other links to useful tasks for improving your English and Literacy skills.

Literacy Tasks


While we will be continuing to upload resources and links to this webpage in preparation for next term, please be aware that you are not under any obligation to complete school work during the holiday period and that your teachers in the English department won’t be available via email or Edmodo. We wish you all a very happy and restful break away from formal learning and urge you to log back on to the website and/or your English class’s Edmodo page on Monday 20th April to access a wide selection of literacy tasks that will keep you busy and challenged! Happy holidays, everyone. 🙂

S1 Sumdog

Attention S1! Remember you can use Sumdog to work on your spelling and reading skills.


Please join your class on Edmodo if you are in any of the English classes mentioned below:

1T5 Mrs Passmore & Mrs Downie’s S1 class – Edmodo code 4ta67k

2T2 Mrs Passmore & Mrs Hall’s S2 class – Edmodo code s7r9vi

4A2 Mrs Passmore and M Brown’s S4 class – Edmodo code u54vc9

5A2 Ms Downie’s S5 class – Edmodo code jt3edc

5A5 Ms Downie’s S5 class – Edmodo code jzrhrc

More Free Culture!

A selection of National Theatre Live productions (recordings of stage shows which have previously be screened in cinemas) will be made available on the National Theatre’s YouTube channel from next Thursday (2nd April). Productions are shown every Thursday at 7pm, and then available for seven days.

Book Week Scotland 2019

Book Week Scotland takes place next week (18-24 Nov)!  Ever wondered which books the staff at CA are reading at the moment? What do you mean “no”!?  Keep your eyes peeled for posters displayed around the school to discover who is reading what  for Book Week 2019.

Cumbernauld Academy reads to succeed!

English Prelim Dates 2019

Monday 2nd December

Higher English P1 – 09.00-10.30

Higher English P2 – 11.00-12.30

Advanced Higher P1 – 09.00-10.30

Advanced Higher P2 – 11.00-12.30


Wednesday 4th December

 National 5 English P1 09.30-10.30

National 5 English P2 11.00-12.30

Happy National Poetry Day!

Here’s one of my favourites…

Finding the Keys

By Robin Robertson


    The set seed and the first bulbs showing.
The silence that brings the deer.

The trees are full of handles and hinges;
you can make out keyholes, latches in the leaves.

Buds tick and crack in the sun, break open
slowly in a spur of green.


The small-change colours of the river bed:
these stones of copper, silver, gold.

The rock-rose in the waste-ground
finding some way to bloom. The long

spill of birdsong. Flowers, all
turned to face the hot sky. Nothing stirs.


That woody clack of antlers.
In yellow and red, the many griefs of autumn.

The dawn light through amber leaves
and the trees are lanterned, blown

the next day to empty stars.
Smoke in the air; the air, turning.


Under a sky of stone and pink
faring in from the north and promising snow:

the blackbird.
In his beak, a victory of worms.

The winged seed of the maple,
the lost keys under the ash.

Kids’ Lit Quiz 2019

Attention S1 pupils! Do you love reading and books? Would you be interested in being part of a team that competes in the West of Scotland heat of the Kids’ Lit Quiz? If so, please attend a short meeting with Mrs Hall on Friday 30th August at 12.45pm in Room FO46. Until then, happy reading!

Good luck!

Good luck to all our pupils sitting National 5 English tomorrow (Thursday 9th May)!  Image result for good luck emoji

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