English Prelim Exams

Very best of luck to all our wonderful students sitting their English prelim exams tomorrow! Four leaf clover

Higher English P1 9.00-10.30 Gym Hall 1
Higher English P2 10.55-12.25 Gym Hall 1
Adv Higher English P1 9.00-10.30 Gym Hall 1
Adv Higher English P2 10.55-12.25 Gym Hall 1
N5 English P1 12.55 -1.55 Gym Hall 1
N5 English P2 2.15 – 3.45 Gym Hall 1

Cancellation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ trip

Unfortunately, due to ongoing Covid restrictions, we have had to cancel our planned trip to see ‘Romeo and Juliet’ at Cumbernauld Theatre.  We are very disappointed to have to do this, but we must put the health and safety of our pupils and staff first.  Any pupil who has already paid for their ticket should see Mrs Robertson-Bishop in the English department for a refund.

Romeo and Juliet Theatre Trip

***Sadly, this trip has been cancelled due to ongoing Covid restrictions***

We plan to take a number of pupils to the inaugural show, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, at the new Cumbernauld Theatre building.  This is an exciting opportunity to be one of the first groups to attend the new space, enjoy some live theatre and to introduce some of our pupils to Shakespeare.

We would like to invite all S3 pupils, S4 and S5 drama students and 5A1 and Advanced Higher English students to attend the performance at 1pm on Thursday 7th October 2021 at the Cumbernauld Theatre building located on the school campus.

The cost of tickets is £8.50 and this should be paid to Mrs Robertson-Bishop in the English department (room F049) or Ms Tulloch in the Drama department by Monday 13th September.  The exact change would be greatly appreciated if possible.

BGE (S1-S3) Reading Resources

To improve your reading skills (or to support your young person with their reading), take a look at these fantastic BGE (S1-S3) resources listed under Pages (on right hand side) > BGE Resources.

Good luck, everyone!

Very best of luck to all our National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher pupils sitting their final assessments this week! Four leaf clover  You’ve got this!

National Poetry Day 2020

Happy National Poetry Day 2020 from the CA English Department! At least we’ll always have poetry…

“Love in the Time of Coronavirus”, by Nikita Gill, illustrated by Chris Riddell

Book Returns

Welcome back to school, everyone! This is a plea for all class texts used last year to be returned to your English teacher as soon as possible. Thank you!


New classes to start on 26th May 2020

Following on from the post below, we can now confirm that new year groups will be in effect from Tuesday 26th May. From this date, pupils will be assigned to their new year groups and classes (for details see “Important: English classes 2020-21” post)*. All teaching materials and assignments will now be disseminated via Microsoft Teams and you should login as soon as possible to find your new English class and teacher. Please note that pupil engagement will be monitored  in order to ensure the very best teaching and learning experience for all.

*Mrs Robertson-Bishop’s classes will not start on Teams until 1st June. Until then, work can be accessed on edmodo.com

5A1- ypmp3t
4A6- mrrhhk
3A2- wddins
2T6- abw7gt

*3A4 (previously Mr Brown’s 2T4) will be taught online by Miss Downie until the summer break.

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