What’s happening in the Technologies Faculty this term

Here’s a list of what each year group and each course will be studying in the first term of the 23/24 academic year.



We will be studying what makes a computer system. Looking specifically at input, process, output, backing storage and short term memory.

Then we’ll be moving onto Business Graphics where pupils will learn how businesses market their products and make us all aware of what they are selling with the clever use of graphics in their logos.




We will be ensuring pupils are familiar with the Health and Safety rules that are essential in the workshops. Once this is completed we move into the workshop to create a mug tree using pine wood.






We will be studying databases and how today’s world depends so much on them. Without them we wouldn’t have, social media, google, on-line shopping, online gamin etc. Image a world without them!!!

Then we’ll move onto Ethical Business where pupils will learn how business are striving to make profit but without destroying the environment. It will also introduce the pupils to budgets.




We will revisit Health & Safety in the workshop and then move into the workshop to create a trinket box.






In business pupils will be studying reasons why individuals set up in business, the skills and qualities of the entrepreneur and how they combine the factors of production in order to be successful. Pupils will also learn about different types of business organisations and current sources of finance and financial advice available to them. We will also explore why it is important for a business to satisfy its customers and the different methods of promotion.




We will be studying how professionals create web sites using 3 coding languages, HTML, JavaScript & CSS. We will also be creating our own websites including hyperlinks and interactivity.


Graphical Communication


We will be learning how to use a 3D CAD package called Autodesk inventor.  This package allows pupils to create 3D models of everyday objects, apply realistic lighting and effects to them, and create technical drawings from these models.


Practical Woodwork


We will be learning how to make a range of 10 flat frame woodwork joints.  While doing this, we will learn the names of, and terminology associated with the tools required.  Throughout the year, we will enhance our knowledge of health and safety, and sustainability in a workshop environment.






Understanding Business is the first unit which reinforces theory from S3, where pupils will study the Role of Business in Society, which covers why people set up businesses, the importance of customer care, different business structures and objectives, internal and external factors that affect the success of a business, along with the interests and influences of appropriate stakeholders at N5 level, cumulating in an end of unit test.

Working towards the progress exam in December, S4 Business Management pupils will cover Marketing and Operations Units and some of the final unit – People and Finance.

Each unit is examined with an End of Unit Test, which is used as evidence in determining Levels, whether N4 or N5, and for appeal purposes, if required. It is vital, therefore, that all pupils do their best in these End of Unit Tests.

Pupils will be introduced to the command words used by SQA in Examination Papers, along with practice of past paper homework questions, to reinforce technique in command words.

All End of Unit Tests are of SQA standard, using command words as mentioned above.




We will be continuing to study software design and development. Looking at how apps are made and how we can create our own using the programming language LiveCode.


Graphical Communication


We will be learning how to use desk top publishing software to create attractive, impactful documents for a variety of purposes.  We will study design elements and principles and apply these to ensure our documents look as appealing and professional as possible.


Practical Woodwork


We will be making a corner cabinet by applying the knowledge of carcase joints we acquired earlier in the course.  We will also be studying a range of tools and how we can set them up and maintain them.




Admin & IT


We will be working through the Word and spreadsheet skills at National 5 and Higher levels. This will involve studying and developing a range of skills including dynamic forms, complex formulae, and professional publications which can be used to present and analyse data. Within the theory element of the course, we are currently working through the skills and qualities of admin assistants/senior assistants and customer care. Higher candidates will progress with development of their skills and knowledge of working in professional teams.




We will be undertaking our ‘Understanding Business’ unit where pupils will have the chance to develop their understanding of how large organisations in the private, public and third sectors operate, make decisions and pursue their strategic goals. Also, how they analyse stakeholders and identify the impact that internal and external environments have on an organisation’s activity and consider the implications of these factors.

We will then be undertaking our ‘Management of Marketing & Operations’ unit where pupils will develop their understanding of the importance of effective marketing systems to large organisations. They learn about the relevant theories, concepts and procedures used by organisations to improve competitiveness and customer satisfaction. They will also develop their understanding of the importance of effective operations systems to large organisations. They learn about the relevant theories, concepts and procedures used by organisations to improve and/or maintain quality, and the importance of satisfying both internal and external customers’ needs.





We will be looking further into Software Design & Development, looking at how programs are able to import and export data from and to external sources. Also we will be looking at storing this data in different ways in order to manipulate it as we wish.


Graphical Communication


We will be enhancing our knowledge of computer aided design by creating models of greater complexity than in S4.  We will also be studying new modelling tool and techniques to allow us to model objects of irregular shapes.


Practical Metalwork


We will be practicing our bench skills by making a tool box and a dovetail marker.  We will also begin to explore the use of the centre lathe to manufacture a nail punch and a toolmakers clamp.


Personal Development


We will be undertaking our ‘Self Awareness’ unit where pupils are challenged with the aim of increasing their knowledge of their own qualities and feelings while undertaking a personal project. This will involve pupils in planning and hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning in Taylor High School to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

We will then be moving on to our ‘Self in Community’ unit where pupils will be given an opportunity to develop their interpersonal skills while planning and carrying out a group project. This will involve pupils organising and running a joint Halloween Disco for our S1 & S6 Taylor High School pupils.

JP Morgan – Higher Computing Science

Representatives of JB Morgan visited the school to provide insightful information to the Higher Computing Science pupils on how agile methodologies are used in the development of software created by the company for their global financial investments. This was an extremely hands-on active exercise using Lego as an analogy for coding prototypes. The pupils really enjoyed the event and gained some valuable information on the software operations in a multinational company.


What made the visit so relevant to the pupils was the fact that the representatives from JP Morgan are ex Taylor High School pupils who used to sit in the same classroom as the pupils!!!

The Return of Taylor Tycoon

After several years of missing out due to COVID this year’s S1 have had the chance to take part in Taylor Tycoon.

This is an enterprise activity where S1 pupils create their own business. The school provide the start up capital and the pupils have to create their own business marketing strategy, complete with business logo, slogan, posters, animated advert. The pupils must devise a business plan in order to make the most profit they can. Pupils then sell their wares at lunch time to the rest of the school.

The pupils are having great fun making the classroom learning come to life!

The profits of this enterprise will go to a charity of the S1 pupils’ choosing.



S1 Monday Coding Club

A reminder that every Monday, S1’s are invited to come up to Mr Lewis’ room, (room 158), to take part in the fun world of coding!!!

There’s some cool kit to be coded!!!

Higher Computing Science – Week 12 Work

Past Paper Practice

Complete the following questions from the exam paper on Teams:-
Section II
Q12 on pages 14 – 16
Remember of you are stuck, please contact your teacher using the channel in teams or via email.

S4 Computing Science – Week 12 Work

Computer Systems

Concepts covered:- Translators
Read page 9 of the theory notes and watch the recorded lesson.
Complete the following questions from the homework booklet:-
Q18b & 19 on page 7
As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email.

S3 Computing Science – Week 12 Work

Concepts covered:- SQL EQUI-JOIN, Search Engines, Testing & Evaluation
Read page 9-11 of the theory notes and watch the recorded lesson.
Complete the following questions from the homework booklet:-
Q2f on page 7
Q6di on page 15
Q6dii on page 16
As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email.

S1/2 ICT – Week 12 Work

Computational Thinking Revision

The assignment this week should be submitted by Thursday the 1st of April. It is a VERY quick assignment to get done!
This week you should:
  1. Watch the theory video for “Computational Thinking Revision”. This is in the Files tab in the General Channel, then in our new Computational Theory folder.
  2. Complete a practical lesson of your choice from the groups “Sequencing”, “Loops” or “Conditionals” at https://studio.code.org/s/express-2020 . There is also a video in the Computational Theory folder to help you do this. Make sure you have proof that you have finished (this can be a screenshot, photo from a phone or sharing link)! Choose whichever ones you’d like, I’d recommend the Minecraft ones!
  3. Complete the worksheet below “12. ComputationalThinkingRevision.pdf”.
  4. Submit the proof of your code.org task and the worksheet for this Assignment.
Please let your class teacher know as soon as you have any questions, they will be able to help you.
Remember also that we have our weekly drop-in, where you can get help too.

Higher Computing Science – Week 11 Work

Complete the following questions from the exam paper:-
Section II
Q10 & 11 on pages 8 – 13
Remember of you are stuck, please contact your teacher using the channel in teams or via email. The weekly tutorial is cancelled this week as you are expected to attend school periods 3 & 4 to continue with essential practical work practice.

S4 Nat 5 Computing Science – Week 11 Work

Concepts covered:- Representing Text & Graphics in Binary
Read pages 4 – 8 of the theory notes and watch the recorded lesson.
Complete the following questions from the homework booklet:-
Q6 & 7 on page 3
Q9 & 10 on page 4
As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email. You can also join the weekly tutorial if you wish on Friday period 1.
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