Higher Computing Science – New Topic!!!
Higher Computing Science will start the final topic of the higher course on Monday – Computer Systems.
This topic looks at how a computer actually works. How data is represented in 1’s & 0’s and how the computer is able to process millions of instructions per second!
Look in the “Files” section of MSTeams in the “Systems” folder and you’ll get access to the theory notes for the topic, the past paper homework booklet and the pre-recorded lessons for the unit.
As with the previous unit, you will be given a weekly assignment to complete past paper questions from the homework booklet. These questions will be based on pages in the theory notes. Each section in the theory notes will have recorded lessons explaining the theory covered in the notes.
Remember you can get help at any time by contacting your class teach via MSTeams, by emailing them directly and/or by joining the weekly tutorial session which has it’s new time of Thursdays at 11:00 – 12:00.
S3 Business – New Topic!!!
A new exciting topic is starting on Monday for S3 business students – External & Internal Influences on Business!!!
Make sure you’re tuned into MSTeams to get instructions on the assignments to be completed.
Remember if you’re having any difficulties at all you can contact your class teacher using the class channels in MSTeams, email them directly or attend the weekly tutorials.
Higher Computing Science Week 5 Work
Complete questions on pages 42 – 44.
This will finish the current topic. Please revise the entire unit and come forward with any issues you have with any of the content and/or past paper questions.
Look through all the recorded lessons to help with your studies. They are numbered and named to tie in with the theory booklet to help your studies. If you have any issues at all then contact your teacher at any time using the class channel on MSTeams or via email. You can ask questions at the weekly tutorial also.
Week 5 work due Tuesday 5th Feb.
S4 National 5 Computing Science Week 5 work
S3 Computing Science Week 5 Work
S2 ICT Week 5 Work
Please load the file “5. SearchingOnlineWorksheet.docx“. You have to do this ALONG SIDE THE WEBSITE, (www.w2tw.uk). Ensure you can access the website when you are completing this task. Return it via the assignment, not through the class channels as before. Upload your completed worksheet to hand it in. If you have any difficulties at all then contact your class teacher using the class channel in MSTeams or you can email them. You can also watch the recorded lesson which takes you through the theory of this week’s work and/or you can attend the tutorial, (details on the main page). Work is due in on Tuesday 16th Feb.
S1 ICT Week 5 Work
Please load the file “5. SearchingOnlineWorksheet.docx“. You have to do this ALONG SIDE THE WEBSITE, (www.w2tw.uk). Ensure you can access the website when you are completing this task. Return it via the assignment, not through the class channels as before. Upload your completed worksheet to hand it in. If you have any difficulties at all then contact your class teacher using the class channel in MSTeams or you can email them. You can also watch the recorded lesson which takes you through the theory of this week’s work and/or you can attend the tutorial, (details on the main page). Work is due in on Tuesday 16th Feb.
MSTeams Higher Graphic Communication Week 5 Task
Week 5 Task: Deadline 16th February.
Hi all, hope you are all well! Here is your 5th Lockdown task.
Same as before. I want you to attempt the Past Paper questions attached below. Attempt them first without looking at the expected responses, to let yourself see how prepared you are for such questions. But when you submit them, I expect them to be complete & with correct answers (your own words as far as possible) using the expected responses to assist. This will help improve your knowledge set and make you to be better prepared for any Prelim you may be sitting.
As always, you may choose to:
a) Answer them in your Jotter or a sheet of paper,
b) Use Microsoft Word or any other suitable application to type up your answers.
Return it via the Assignment.
If you need any assistance with this task, you should post any messages in your class channel.
Good Luck & stay safe!
MSTeams N4 & N5 Graphic Communication Week 5 Task
Week 5 Task: Deadline is Tuesday 16th February.
Download the file below and answer the Past Paper questions. Use the expected responses (answers), that accompany the past papers in CLASS MATERIALS, to assist with your response.
As always, you may choose to:
a) Answer them in your Jotter or a sheet of paper,
b) Use Microsoft Word or any other suitable application to type up your answers.
Return it via the Assignment.
If you need any assistance with this task, you should post any messages in your class channel,
Good Luck & stay safe!