Higher Computing Science – Week 8 Work

Read the systems theory notes, watch the recorded lessons then try the following questions from the homework booklet.
Topics Covered:- Computer Structure & The Fetch Execute Cycle
Complete the following questions
Section I
Question 2 on page 2
Question 6 on page 3
Question 8a on page 4
Question 8b on page 5
Question 9 on page 5
Question 14 on page 6
Section II
Question 2ai on page 7
Question 2aii on page 8
Question 3 on page 8
Question 4 on page 9
Question 5a on page 10
Question 5c on page 11
Question 5d on page 12
Question 6a on page 12
Any issues please don’t hesitate to contact me via MSTeams, email or during the weekly tutorial on Thursday at 11.

New S1/2 Unit – Computational Thinking

From Monday the 1st of March, S1 and S2 pupils will be starting a new unit in ICT – Computational Thinking. This unit is designed to be an introduction to the basic theory behind computer programming.
The unit will use a mix of both written and practical exercises to familiarise pupils with basic concepts of computational thinking and programming. Pupils will learn how to write basic pseudocode, to allow them to design programs and solve problems using logical steps. Pupils will also touch on programming constructs such as loops and conditional statements to allow them to do this more efficiently.

Higher Computing Science Week 7 Work

Read the systems theory notes, watch the recorded lesson then try the following questions from the homework booklet.
Topics Covered:- Representation of text and graphics
Complete the following question:-
Section II
Q6b on page 12
Remember if you are stuck at all then don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can do so by using the class channels in MSTeams or by contacting your teacher directly using email. Weekly tutorial this week will be cancelled as Higher pupils will be coming into school on Thursday afternoon to work on essential practical skills. A new weekly tutorial time will be agreed with the pupils on Thursday afternoon when they are in school.

S4 Nat 5 Computing Science Week 7 Task

Concepts covered – Program Testing
Read pages 9 – 11 of the theory notes and watch the recorded lesson.
Then complete the following questions from the homework booklet:-
Q10a & b on page 5
Q14 on page 7
Q18e on page 13
Q24c on page 24
Q25a on page 25
Q25bi & bii on page 26
As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email. You can also join the weekly tutorial if you wish on Thursday at 9am.

S3 Computing Science Week 7 Work

Concepts covered:- Entity Relationship Diagrams
Read page 8 of the theory notes and watch the recorded lesson.
Complete the following questions from the homework booklet:-
Q1c on page 3
Q1 – 10 on pages 23-27
As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email. You can also join the weekly tutorial if you wish on Thursday at 10am.

S2 ICT Week 7 Task

Please load the “7 TheChallengeEvidenceSheet.docx” and complete it. You have to do this ALONG SIDE THE WEBSITE. Ensure you can access the website when you are completing this task. Return it via the assignment, not through the class channels as before. Upload your completed worksheet to hand it in. Remember if you are stuck then you can get in touch with your teacher using the class channel or contact them directly using email. You can also attend the weekly tutorial  on Friday’s at 10:00.

S1 ICT Week 7 Work

Please load the “7 TheChallengeEvidenceSheet.docx” and complete it. You have to do this ALONG SIDE THE WEBSITE. Ensure you can access the website when you are completing this task. Return it via the assignment, not through the class channels as before. Upload your completed worksheet to hand it in. Remember if you are stuck then you can get in touch with your teacher using the class channel or contact them directly using email. You can also attend the weekly tutorial  on Wednesday’s at 10:00.

Higher Computing Science – Week 6 Work

Read the systems theory notes, watch the three recorded lessons then try the following questions from the homework booklet.
Topics Covered:- Representation of numeric data, (whole positive integers, whole negative integers & decimal numbers)
Section I
Question 1 & 3 on page 2
Question 5 on page 3
Question 7 on page 4
Question 12 & 13 on page 6
Section II
Q5b on page 10

As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email. You can also join the weekly tutorial if you wish on Thursday at 11am.

S4 National 5 Computing Science – Week 6 Work

Concepts covered – Translators
Page 9 of theory notes
Questions to be completed from homework booklet are:-
Q18b   page 10
Q21di & ii   page 17
Remember there’s a recorded lesson of this content in the FILES section to help you.

As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email. You can also join the weekly tutorial if you wish on Thursday at 9am.

S4 National 4 – Week 6 Work

S4 National 4 pupils should be working through the SCRATCH programming website, (www.scratch.mit.edu ), and working through the projects to enhance their programming skills.
You should upload a photo or two each week of your progress in your class channel on the left hand side.
As always, if you are stuck with anything then get in touch with your teacher via the class channel in MSTeams or contact them directly via email. You can also join the weekly tutorial if you wish on Thursday at 9am.
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