Welcome to our new Computational Thinking unit!
There are plenty of new videos to make sure you’re on the right track.
This week you should:
- Watch the theory video for “Introduction To Programming”. This is in the Files tab in the General Channel, then in our new Computational Theory folder.
- Complete the practical lesson “1. Dance Party” at https://studio.code.org/s/express-2020 . There is also a video in the Computational Theory folder to help you do this. Make sure you have proof that you have finished (this can be a screenshot, photo from a phone or sharing link)!
- Complete the worksheet below “8. IntroductionToProgramming.pdf”.
- Submit the proof of your code.org task and the worksheet for this Assignment.
Please let your class teacher know as soon as you have any questions, they will be able to help you.
Remember also that we have our weekly drop-in, where you can get help too.