New Year, New Term, New Topic…

We have been working extremely hard since we started back on Monday and Mrs McLean is really pleased with all our hard work.

In maths, we’ve been learning how to multiply decimals and we can now multiply a variety of decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

We began our new novel studies on Monday and already, some of us have been working on our higher order thinking skills. For example, Team Vega have been analysing their books to find inferences while Team Sirius have been been analysing and evaluating different parts of their novels. Great work!

We have also started work on our new topic – The Scottish Wars of Independence. This was a fascinating and extremely important period in Scottish history. Today we placed the main events on  a timeline and discovered that the Wars of Independence took place in Medieval Scotland (many hundreds of years AFTER the Roman invasion – our last history topic!) from 1286 to 1328. Daniel worked out that the first Wars of Independence lasted for 42 years!

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