Our Week

It’s been another busy week in Primary 6. In maths, we practised our new strategy for creating equivalent fractions by playing a game of ‘Musical Fractions.’ It was lots of fun…

We were also given another task from our mystery organisation MSB. They asked us to find out about the work that MSPs do so we used the iPads to carry out some research. We found out that our local MSP is called Elaine Smith. Some of us even remembered her from her visit to St. Bartholomew’s back in Primary 5! We decided to invite Elaine in to the school to talk to us about her job so we each drafted an email and now we just need to pick the best one to send on to her.

On Thursday afternoon, we took part in the school’s sponsored walk. It was a beautiful day and we all did really well, even though there were some sore feet afterwards…

Then, on Friday, we looked again at the Expressionist artist Edvard Munch and his most famous piece of artwork called The Scream. In groups, we discussed how he used line and perspective to create this painting. Mrs McLean was VERY impressed by what we had to say. After that we began to sketch our own Munch inspired pictures…

And finally, we worked on our floor sequences in P.E. Our challenge was to perform a sequence that included a balance, travel, jump and turn. We also had to include a forward roll…

Mrs McLean has seen big improvements in our sequences over the last few weeks. Well done Primary 6!

This week’s well-deserving Pupil of the Week was Rachael! Very well done Rachael!

3 thoughts on “Our Week”

  1. Musical fractions – that really does sound like fun primary 6! Thank you to the Buddies that offered to help out at the Prayer Service next week, they did well at our practice today.

  2. I really loved doing the Scream painting and the musical fractions. It was such fun. Can’t wait to do more of it!

  3. I really loved doing the Scream painting and the musical fractions. It was such fun. Can\’t wait to do more of it!

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