The Lost Words

  • May 10, 2018
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The Biggies have been reading this book of “Spells” and writing their own, we had some nice feedback from the author on our poems.

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Stirling Castle

Our trip to Stirling Castle on Wednesday was great success.  Pupils were able to consolidate their recent learning on castles and landscapes in a

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Book Day Homework

As part of our book day celebrations, this week’s homework is a whole school reading challenge.  Try to complete as many activities as you

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Banton it is cold outside!

Banton it is cold outside!

  • February 28, 2018
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  • 93

If you can stay warm, and it is safe, get out and play! If you can’t or you get cold and wet, here are

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Scottish day

  • February 2, 2018
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  • 0

On Thursday in class we were doing lots of Scottish things and the parent came in and watched us do them and even got to join in if they wanted to. There were 4 different groups all doing Scottish things. One group was doing a poem called Scotland small it about although Scotland may be … Continue reading “Scottish day”