Gardening and Nature Club

Banton lunch-time clubs started this week!  Some pupils from Primary 1-7 attended on Wednesday for Gardening & Nature.  We started off by clearing the weeds and withering plants out from the big tubs using hand forks and trowels for this.

The older pupils were set the challenge of digging out the vegetable plots using spades and forks.  They were given a small area to weed and dig out and completed this, managing to progress further.  Good job!

There were some very interesting finds in the vegetable plots.  Lots of little carrots were found and some small potato seeds.

And some fast moving mini-beasts and slow moving molluscs.

Last session some pupils grew bean plants and today, some managed to save a ‘momentum’ in the form of some beans.

A fun time was had by all.  Next week we hope to do some more digging in the vegetable plot, plant some daffodil bulbs and cut back the heather.  We might also look at growing our own plants for our garden.


Meantime…. off to the compost heap with all these weeds.  Well done boys and girls.

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