Biggie’s Highlights 18 Sep 2020

Biggie’s Highlights 18 Sep 2020

  • September 18, 2020
  • Uncategorized
  • 97

Lots of good things going on this week.


We saw the NHS Spitfire and Arron managed to get a video on his iPad:


We have been working on our ideas around behaviour and being pretty decent kids. We though of some attributes and created characters to represent them.

We will have more on our blog when they are finsihed.

The Biggies wrote great poems this week and you can read them:

Things we Love and Hate

Please have a read and leave a comment if you like.

We hope to share them with the P7 in Breadalbane Academy (@BreadalbaneAcad) soon in Teams.

We have also taken another TikTok photo walk trying to learn a little more about photography. This week we looked at shadows:

Tiktok Photo walks: shadows

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About John Johnston

I am a teacher, currently working in Banton Primary for North Lanarkshire Council. I also act as Product Owner/provide support for Glow Blogs.

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