Harvest Assembly

Banton Primary were delighted to welcome family, friends and members of the community to their special Harvest Assembly.ipad 136

Our guests included Jamie Hepburn MSP, Jean Jones Depute Provost, Gordon McInally, Locum Minister and representatives from our business partners, Doreen Reid and Kevin (Tesco) and senior citizens from Craig en Goyne.

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Pupils from Primaries 1 to 7 shared their learning about Harvest and produce that comes from around the world.  Primaries 1-4 were exploring the foods that the character ‘Flat Stanley’ visited on his travels while Primaries 5-7 did their own research into foods from different continents.  Well done to everyone for a fantastic performance.

Mr McInally asked for volunteers to illustrate a harvest story from the bible.  This helped pupils understand the message within.

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Mrs McKay, Principal Teacher and Primary 1 pupils presented our local senior citizens with a little harvest gift.

This was followed by a beautiful cream tea set out in the hall.  There were lots of memories being shared over a scone and a cuppa.

We would like to thank parents/carers, staff and members of the community for their generous donations to our raffle.  There were beautiful prizes which included scarves, biscuits, wine, chocolates, flowers and a harvest hamper.  Mrs Henderson (senior) won the hamper.  Congratulations!

A final thanks goes to staff who worked hard to ensure this event was a success including Mrs McKay for organising it, the support staff for setting up the event and Mrs Cheape and Mrs Miller for preparing the eats and being great hosts.  Thank you boys and girls for your beautiful singing and performance.

Harvest is a time for giving and working together.  At Banton Primary, we would like to continue to do this throughout the year and throughout our lives.

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