Say Hello! Family Learning Challenge 12th May

Good afternoon,

This week’s family learning challenge will focus on our Health and Wellbeing.

We would love it if everyone could take part in this one in order to allow all of our learners to see each other.


Make a poster to say “Hello” to your classmates and annotate or decorate that poster with some things you have been grateful for during this period of “lockdown”.  Be as creative as you like when you make this poster – however you choose to present it is good with us.  All we sk is that you get a photo of yourself with the poster and send it to Mrs Rae.   We know how creative you can all be in so many different ways so use your imagination and get working on saying hello to all of yor friends and sharing what you are grateful for.

All of the pictures will be collated to make a short video of all of our Banton Learning Community and we will share it on this blog.  It is for this reason that we ask you to ensure children’s names are NOT on the poster or photos in any way.

We are so looking forward to seeing lots of familiar faces.


Click on the link below for a PDF copy of the challenge and more details.

Family Learning 12th May

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  1. Hi i am trying to send Amy and Tonys poster to mrs ray but I can’t find her email address thanks Donna

    1. Avatar photo

      Hi Donna,
      I’ve emailed you!

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