Learning about our Scottish Identity

Look at us ready to perform.

Look at us ready to perform.

Today we held an assembly to share our learning about our Scottish identity and culture.

It was great to see lots of parents and relations here to hear about our learning.

Primary 1-4 recited some poems and sang some songs. They also shared their research on places in Scotland.

Primary 5 – 7 gave us songs, poems and dancing together with some facts on Robert Burns.

It was lovely to taste the homemade shortbread baked by the P 1-4 class.

Robert Burns research

Robert Burns research

We also loved reading the comments left in our comments book.  Thank you!

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1 Comment

  1. Well done everyone! You worked very hard and shared your learning of Robert Burns, great locations in Scotland as well as reciting poems, singing and dancing. I was greatly impressed by your enthusiastic performance, not to mention your AWESOME ANIMATIONS!

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