Dinosaur Junk Models in Primary 3

Primary 3 enjoyed created their own species of dinosaur. In their co-operative learning groups, they then chose one dinosaur to ‘come alive.’ They used lots of recycled materials to create their design with some dinosaurs even managing to have a moving part. Well done Primary 3, you worked so well in your co-operative learning groups.

Primary 3 – Golf

Today Primary 3 enjoyed learning new skills when playing the target game of golf. We loved playing the game ‘under the bridge’ where we had to pass the golf ball through our partner’s legs. We could make this harder by making the bridge narrower or standing further back and increasing the distance from our partner. We finished off with a competitive game of ‘against the wall’. We played in our house

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Primary 3 – I-Pads

Yesterday afternoon Primary 3 enjoyed learning how to use drawing tools within a drawing app to create a picture of a dinosaur.

Primary 3 Dinosaur Drama

As part of our interdisciplinary Dinosaurs topic, children enjoyed exploring the movement of dinosaurs through drama. We had some fierce still pictures of a Triceratops and a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Then we explored two characters that travelled through a hole in time to discover more about dinosaurs. We worked in pairs, sharing ideas and reenacting pairs of the story of ‘The Dinosaur Camp’. Tomorrow we are looking forward to writing our

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Primary 3 – The Human Body

Today we were learning all about our amazing brains. We designed questions to guide our research and enjoyed using the i-pads and books to locate the answers. We will use what we found out to create information posters. We had fun rotating around brain stations where we got to test each part of our brain and see how well it works. To test our co-ordination we tried to balance a

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Primary 3 Drama

Primary 3 have been learning about the traditional tale ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ through drama. Children worked in groups to think of adjectives to describe the troll then created a still picture of the big, ugly troll using everyone in their group….  and what scary, mean and ferocious trolls we had!! Children wrote a list of questions they would like to ask the troll and this week they will

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P1 and P3 enjoy Beat the Street!

Primaries 1 and 3 joined together to make the most of the beautiful weather and enjoyed a lovely walk playing beat the street, gaining points for our school. Primary 3 made great buddies showing Primary 1 how to play beat the street whilst walking safely between the beat boxes. All boys and girls acted very responsibly and were a credit to the school. Well done boys and girls! Remember to

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Primary 3 – Fun Afternoon

Primary 3 had a lovely Friday afternoon playing maths games with our friends and creating masks for our Three Billy Goats Gruff traditional tale story. We are looking forward to using our masks in our drama lessons.

Primary 3 Scientists

Last week, Primary 3 became scientists to investigate what might affect the time taken for a toy car to travel down a slope. Children were organised into co-operative learning groups to plan and discuss how they would organise the experiment, including what variable they would change and what variables had to stay the same. Children worked collaboratively to carry out their test ensuring it was a fair experiment. This week, they

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