Primary 5’s Energy Information Boards

Primary 5 have been learning about non-renewable and renewable sources of energy. In their cooperative learning groups, they had to research one of these then produce a poster to share with the rest of the class so that we could increase our knowledge. We will finish these next week before we begin our challenge to design and make a  working wind turbine.

Remembrance Day

Yesterday, the focus of our assembly was Remembrance Day during which the children learned about what it means to wear a poppy, how they are made and what the money that is raised is used for. They watched two short films provided by Poppy Scotland. Poppies will be available until tomorrow in school.

Parent Council Meeting

The next meeting of our Parent Council is tomorrow night, the 9th November at 7pm. All members of the Parent Forum welcome. Preparations are well under way for the Christmas Fayre which is on Thursday 30th November at 6pm. Donations are being taken for the book  stall and bottle tombola. If you are unable to make it tomorrow night and can help at the Fayre, please contact Julie Millar or

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Class Certificates

This week we had a good selection of Happy Hetty, Achieving Ava, Respectful Ryan,  Responsible Robbie, Including Ian and Safe Sam awards! Plus P4 were chosen as Class of the Week and will receive an extra playtime next week.

Class Certificates

Well done to all of our children who received one of our new certificates today! Lots of Achieving Avas, Happy Hettys, Including Ians, Responsible Robbies and Respectful Ryans. Also, thank you for all of your chocolate donations today! The tombola at the Christmas Fayre will be worth a visit. We’ll still be accepting donations after the holiday if you have any. Have a lovely week off school boys and girls!

P5’s Trip to the Mosque

Yesterday, Primary 5 had a very interesting and informative trip to the Lanarkshire Mosque in Bellshill, which links to our learning on comparing places of worship for our R.M.E. One of the three Iman showed us around the mosque which can hold up to two hundred and fifty people for prayers. He tested our knowledge on the Five Pillars of Islam of which we have a greater understanding now.