Week beginning Monday 11th

This  week we were very busy enrolling out new children for August. We have  enrolled 33 new children and know of 8 placing request applications. We will confirm numbers as soon as the placing request process has been completed. It was lovely to meet the children and their families. Our staff will visit the children in their nurseries next month and then we will meet each parent on an individual basis in March.

Our cashless system is going well so far with dinner numbers being up throughout the week. Friday’s lunch service took almost all of the lunch break!  Please remember the machine does not take 1p, 2p or 5p coins.

Lanarkshire Health carried out dental inspections on primary seven and primary one children. A large number of children were wearing “fab teeth” stickers. Keep brushing!

Staff completed their Solihull training with staff from Saint Brigid’s and Saint Ignatius primary schools on Wednesday after school. Congratulations to the staff who were awarded their certificates.

Primary 3 led the liturgy at Mass on Friday morning. They were excellent and a great credit to their families and Mrs Campbell and Mrs Galloway.

We have started  our Joseph rehearsals and hope to have the show cast fully this week.

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