Week beginning Monday 22nd of February

our Joseph rehearsals are going well. We have learned all of the songs and moved more than half of the show. We still have a lot to do. Please try and send your child to school every day. Children with big parts must attend after school club. We have borrowed a Joseph coat from St Bartholomew’s Primary. Linda Booth and Sharon Jones have started planning costumes. Can you help? Contact the school office  on 274960

This week we enjoyed working with the team who led the parish mission in St Patrick’s Church. They were very impressed with the children and our school. We hope to keep in touch with them through our Twitter page.

Our after school clubs are going well. The teachers have even got in on the act with a boxercise class on a Thursday!

Mrs Preston had a busy week attending an adult protection training day on Tuesday and her Into Headship course day on Thursday.

Here are this week’s Twitter photographs!

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Our porridge day for Malawi went really well on Friday. I must stress that families should not feel obliged to pay each week for charity. Please only pay if you can afford to do so.

Miss Dignam spent Friday and Saturday completing our SERC training. Staff enjoyed looking at our new science resources and trying them out during our staff meeting on Tuesday.

More and more children are managing to attend morning Mass on Tuesday and Thursday. I have very special memories of attending Mass as a child. Please help your child build memories by bring or sending them




Week Beginning Wednesday 10th of February

Our staff in-set day on Wednesday 10th was busy, with staff working in and out of school. A number of staff attended Science training in St Aidan’s Primary School in the morning. Mrs Archibald and Mrs Lettis worked with staff from across the authority sharing our excellent practice in early play. Mrs Preston worked with nursery staff in the morning and the whole staff in the afternoon leading our work on self evaluation and school improvement. I spent the day In Stane Primary School working with schools in the Shotts locality carrying out Solihull training.

On Thursday 11th  I attended a cluster meeting in St Aidan’s High School. We discussed a number of items including a dance and football festival for our Primary 7. Maths staff will be in the primary schools working with Primary 5 pupils. After the Spring break Primary 7 children will begin to use their transition English Jotter, this will go to the high school with the children and be used in term one of first year.

On Friday 12th Zoolab worked in P6 and P7 introducing a number of creatures to our children! I have it on very good authority that the screaming was coming from the boys!

Monday 15th We continued our work on Joseph. The children in the lead roles are very talented and I know that parents will love the show. We have purchased some additional staging and new sound and lighting. This equipment will enhance the show and will also be used to improve the sound quality at class assemblies.

On Tuesday 16th the children enjoyed a production of “The Lion the Witch And The Wardrobe.” They really enjoyed the story and a number of them have commented on our blog page.

I did my final Solihull training day of this session when I worked with a speech and language therapist in Cumbernauld to train a group of people from across North Lanarkshire.

Our Spring Disco on Thursday 18th was well attended. The children really enjoyed the event and we owe a debt of gratitude to our Parent Council who give their time so freely. They are so organised and make sure every child is kept safe. This means there is a slight delay when entering and leaving. Please be patient as the parents must keep a fire register and ensure everyone exits safely.

Friday 19th was our dress down / crazy hair day. Staff and children have chosen Classrooms for Malawi as our Lenten charity this year. We are asking for £1 donation each week but please do not feel pressured to send money in. If there is more than one child in a family please send in only £1 in total.

Mrs Preston, Miss Roy and myself attended a Nurture Conference in Motherwell. We were very proud that a video of Mrs Preston and Mrs Connell was played to the audience of three hundred.


Our Primary One children followed up their visit to The Gruffalo at The Kings’ Theatre by independently writing their own stories. We are delighted by the progress the children are making!


Our Primary 7 Minnie Vinnie pupils are organising an enterprise where we take baskets of goodies to our elderly friends in our local communities. Mrs Campbell is working with the children to collect the items needed. We are relying on the goodwill of our parents to give a lovely Easter treat to our friends who are housebound or unwell.


Happy birthday to Mrs Connelly and Mrs Hamilton who have both celebrated big birthdays this year!

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Our children enjoyed the Spring Disco – I was so pleased by the lovely hugs and greetings as friends met up to enjoy the fun. What a lovely atmosphere!


Our children continue to take part in THE DAILY MILE. They are beginning to jog and run! Please ensure your child is dressed for the four seasons! We will be walking whatever the weather and it’s important our children are wrapped up against the elements. The picture above shows P2/3 enjoying some fun in the adventure playground. We have bought some new buckets and tarpaulins to supplement our outdoor equipment. We will also top up the sand pit. The sand used is for use in outdoor areas and is more expensive than any other type. We feel it is worth it as our children love to play and learn in the sand area.


P2 wrote postcards to a former classmate who now lives in Thailand. They then walked to The Post Office and sorting office to see what happened after they popped their cards in the postbox.


Primary 6 led a brilliant assembly about online safety. The little ones were totally engrossed throughout! Well done P6 and Mr Finnon! Here we see some of the children and Mr Finnon looking cool. Parents who attended were then invited to P6’s classroom to find out a bit more about what learning is happening in their  child’s class.



Our Primary One pupils and their teachers have started their nursery transition visits. This picture shows some of our girls enjoying playing at Kirktonholme Nursery.