Daily Archives: December 5, 2012

Oscar Afternoon

To celebrate the conclusion of their topic, P6 hosted an Oscar Celebration.  They screened the movies that they made during the topic.  They told the parents and family that attended all about their topic.  It was concluded with awards being given for a variety of categories.  This was a great conclusion to their interdisciplinary topic.

Mycro Tyco in Primary 7

Over the month of November P7 took part in the 2012 Global Mycro Tyco  Challenge Topic.  This was an enterprising topic which challenged each group within the class to start with an investment of just £1 and turn it into a profit.  Each group ran a variety of initiatives from a Movember run, raffles, an anti-bullying campaign, sponge the teacher, nail painting and much more.  They worked extremely hard and learned a lot about the world of business.  Their £1 was turned into a fantastic £300. Well done to the successful entrepreneurs.