St Ignatius' PS

Primary 3



Primary 3 November and December 2016

Primary 3 are continuing to work very hard this term! We have lots of work to get through but we’re also very lucky to have lots of fun events coming up on the run up to Christmas which we are all looking forward to!


The children will follow the North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme which includes learning a new phoneme and set of common words each week. They will also read one or two books per week and will do a read to write task to demonstrate their understating of the book.


We have just finished looking at Number Systems ( The Roman Numerals and Mayan Number System) which the children enjoyed very much! We have now moved on to Addition using numbers to 100. We will use the non-carrying and carrying methods whilst adding mentally and using the written format.


We have started our new Science topic which is ‘Electricity’.  The children have identified what appliances use electricity in their home and have came up with health and safety rules whilst using electricity. We will continue to investigate Electricity by making circuits and will report our findings in our writing jotters.

Expressive Arts

This term we are preparing for our School Christmas Concert ‘ Light, Camel, Action’. The children all have a copy of the song lyrics which they will learn as part of their weekly homework. There will be lots of singing, dancing and performing, remember to get your tickets!!!

Health and Well-being

This term we are doing basketball for Physical Education! We are learning lots of new skills and techniques which are essential in basketball. Through playing this sport, we understand the importance of team work and good team spirit!

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