St Ignatius' PS

September News

This has been a very busy month for both the pupils and staff. The pupils have settled in well and are all working hard. We are delighted by how well our new Primary 1 children have settled into school life. Primary 7 children have made a very good start to their last year. They have been excellent buddies to our new children and have played a large part in helping our new pupils settle so quickly.

Parents Evening on Thursday 5th October will give parents a chance to meet their child’s new teacher and receive an update on progress so far. Your child will receive an appointment time very soon.

This has been a very busy month for both the pupils and staff. The pupils have settled in well and are all working hard. We are delighted by how well our new Primary 1 children have settled into school life. Primary 7 children have made a very good start to their last year. They have been excellent buddies to our new children and have played a large part in helping our new pupils settle so quickly.  The children are all looking very smart in their uniforms and we hope this continues for the rest of the session. A little reminder to ensure your child has indoor shoes.

Parents Evening on Thursday 5th October will give parents a chance to meet their child’s new teacher and will receive an update on progress so far. Your child will receive an appointment time very soon.

On Thursday we will be launching a new online tool for Pupil Voice. Children will receive a username and password which they can then use to access Tootoot. This app can be used either in school or at home on any device and allows the children voice to report anything ranging from issues of bullying and cyber bullying, to questions about school or worries about a friend. Staff can then respond to this in an appropriate way. Parents will be sent home information regarding this.

We will also be launching a new school app very soon. This will give parents constant updates and notifications directly to their phone. Again more information will be sent out regarding.

Kilbowie is just around the corner (23rd October) and the P7 children are getting very excited. We just hope the weather keeps up! Mr Fionda, Miss McKenna and Mr Anderson are also getting organised and are looking forward to this outing.

Primary 5 have now made their e-portfolios and will begin to record and reflect on their learning. These can be accessed through glow and can also be updated at home.

All the children will soon receive a glow username and password. The use of apps within Glow will support and enhance their learning in class and can also be used at home. Please try to encourage your child to use this at home, as it is an excellent learning tool. We are also in the process of producing a ‘Learning at Home’ pack which will give you lots of tips and ideas for learning at home.

Twitter – Please follow us on St.Ignatius’PS@Htignatius

Remember that on Friday 22nd September and Monday 25th September the school is closed for a holiday. Hope you all have a lovely break.




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