Sacred Heart Primary

November 6, 2020
by Miss Taggart

Music in History – Famous Composers

Room 15 and Room 16

Our Primary 6s and Primary 7s in room 15 and 16 have been learning all about music in history.

The classes were put into small working groups and given a famous composer to research. The groups used various forms of technology to fact find and created a PowerPoint presentation to show to the class. We have been working on our mini topic for a couple of weeks now and have finally begun sharing our work.

Whilst watching the presentations, we as an audience, have been writing down some feedback as part of our peer assessment. We learned all about the power of positive language and how our criticisms must be partnered with a solution or idea. The children have been very supportive of each other and our feedback can be applied to future tasks in class and throughout the school.

Here are some snaps of our presentations so far… well done boys and girls, I have learned so much from you this week and I look forward to learning more.

Miss Taggart


October 5, 2020
by Mrs Vaugh
1 Comment

Virtual Classroom Tutorial

The Digital Leaders have created a very useful tutorial for parents and carers about accessing our new virtual classrooms. Follow the video for a guide on how to log-in through teams and how to navigate the classroom.

October 5, 2020
by Mrs Jaconelli

Virtual Classroom now live

Room 14’s Virtual Classroom is now open so go and have a look around! Head over to our class teams page for access. Let me know what you think!

Love, Mrs. J. x

October 1, 2020
by Mrs Jaconelli

Room 14 Solo Talks

Hello Room 14!

I hope you are all well and working hard.

That time has come around again – solo talks! I’d like you all to prepare a solo talk to present to the class next week.

It can be on any subject, it is your choice. Here are some ideas:-

  • a hobby or interest you have,
  • a person you admire (could be famous or not!),
  • a favourite memory, holiday, occasion,
  • a country you have visited,
  • an animal you like or a family pet.

Here is our Success Criteria (S.C. – what we are looking for that will show you have successfully achieved this).

  • When preparing your talk, choose a subject that you know about and will be interesting to your audience,
  • When preparing your talk, plan what you will say and the order you will say it, so that it is clear for the audience to understand,
  • When presenting your talk, speak at an appropriate pace (not too fast or too slow), clearly and at an appropriate volume.
  • When presenting, make eye contact with your audience throughout. Try not to read straight from your notes all the time.
  • Your talk can be anywhere from 3-5 mins long and you can use any props that you like, for example, photos, drawings, a powerpoint presentation, etc.

Good luck! I cant wait to hear what you are going to speak about!

See you soon, Mrs. J.x

September 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Travelling Book Fair

The travelling Book Fair will be in the school Monday 5th – Thursday 8th October 2020. All pupils will have the opportunity to purchase books from the book fair during school hours. Please see link for information.

Book Fair

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