Sacred Heart Primary

May 21, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning Room 6. How are you? It was so lovely to speak to some of you yesterday.

Category: Ascension Day - All Saints Highertown

Feast of the Ascension
Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension.  We would normally go to Sacred Heart Church and celebrate mass together with Fr. McGoldrick  Bishop Toal has kindly agreed to offer Mass for our school communities.  You can join him at 11am via Facebook live at


Here are some tasks for you to try today:

Spelling Writing Numeracy P.E. Fun Task
Common Words







Write your common words in bubble writing.

 Write about how you felt speaking to your teacher and classmates yesterday. Were you nervous? Or excited? Did you enjoy it? Sumdog Competition!


Log in to your Sumdog account and play for 20 minutes. Try to get as many coins as possible to get on to the Leaderboard. Good luck!


Dance with Oti


Go on to Oti Mabuse’s YouTube channel and learn a new dance today.





BBC Bitesize


This is a great website. Go to Daily Lessons. Choose year 1/Primary 2 and you can pick a subject of your choice for today. Have fun!





Enjoy your tasks and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bradley xx

May 21, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 -Thursday 21st May


Good Morning Room 1,

It was great catching up with some of you yesterday. Hope to speak to some more of you today at 12.30.

Feast of the Ascension
Today, Thursday 21st May, we celebrate the feast of the Ascension.  We would normally all join together as a school community to celebrate Mass on this day.  Bishop Toal has kindly agreed to offer Mass for our school communities.  You can join him at 11am via Facebook live at

This PowerPoint will tell you all about the importance of Ascension Thursday. I have also attached some colouring pictures too.


ascension colouring

Remember tomorrow and Monday are holidays so I will catch up with you again on Tuesday. You have until Tuesday to complete your Sumdog Challenge this week. It is all about the hands on the clock.


Mrs Sinclair



May 20, 2020
by Mrs Jaconelli

Room 13 Poetry Tasks


In this week’s home learning I asked you to read some poems. Here are some follow-up tasks to get you thinking about aspects of poetry and what these poems mean.

Poetry Tasks.

Hope to speak to more of you next week during out Team chat!

Love, Mrs J. xx

May 20, 2020
by Miss Taggart

Room 2: Working From Home

Here are some amazing photo’s that have been sent to me from children in Room 2.

There are so many amazing things happening at home, I am so proud of you!

Miss. Taggart

LI: We are learning to pray.

Write a prayer to Mary during the month of May.

LI: We are learning about farming.

Print pictures of different farm yard animals and create your own farm.

LI: We are learning to stay fit and healthy.

Spend lots of time outside getting fresh air and having fun!

LI: We are learning to cook.

Help with dinner in any way you can.

LI: We are learning how to be kind.

Create a compliment cloud.

LI: We are learning to communicate clearly.

Spend time with your family and tell stories.

May 20, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Mental Health Awareness Week 💜

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year the theme is Kindness.

Miss Rossetti knows how kind the Room 14 children are and how much you all look out for each other. During times like this some people can find it very overwhelming being out of routine, feeling sad because they aren’t with their friends or can’t see particular people. Miss Rossetti has been having good days and sad days and that is OKAY! It’s okay to be feeling a little down during this time and it’s important that we all check in with our friends and family and spread some kindness.

Have a look at this task first: How do you keep your brain happy? What things do you do when you are feeling a little sad or stressed? Write them in the bubbles.

Being kind to others is extremely important during this time too.. how many ways can you be kind to others or how have people been kind to you? Give them a little token of recognition 💓

Aaaaand!! Being kind to ourselves is just as important. What can we do to be kind to ourselves?

Fill in the hearts ♥️ with all the ways you can be kind to yourselves.

Please remember you are all amazing.

Lots of love and positive vibes,


Miss R xx

May 20, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good morning Room 9,  I hope you are all well.  As promised, I have logged into Sumdog and sent coins to the only person who logged in yesterday.  I’ll be checking each day and I can send you up to 200 coins!  So, if you’d like some coins tomorrow morning, please log into Sumdog today and complete some activities on any of the 3 challenges that have been set up for you.


Remember, if it’s a simple problem like not knowing your log in, we can help with that.


I would love it if you could go on to Oxford Owl and choose a book to read, or to be read to you today.  Please let me know which one you chose.


Have a wonderful day!

May 20, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good morning Room 14, half way through the week already! 😊 I am really looking forward to hearing from you all tomorrow during our meetings. Please remember to check your emails to see what time you have on your invite. You will either be 1pm, 2pm or 3pm.

Your Sumdog and Study Ladder challenges are still live until Friday. There are lots of tasks that you can complete that will help with your numeracy skills, spelling and reading. Remember these aren’t all you are limited to. There are lots of e-books online and if there are any tasks on the other class blogs you would like to try feel free to do that also.

Today Mr Sunshine is back ☀️ so your tasks for today are all based outside! 😃

Continue Reading →

May 20, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)

P7 Wellbeing Wednesday

Good Morning P7,

How are you all? It was so great to speak to some of you yesterday on our Team chat and we are looking forward to catching up with more of you this afternoon for our transition chat with CNHS.

Todays task starts by looking at some quotes that deliver a positive message.

These quotes might help you to remember that it is ok to feel a mixture of emotions especially during difficult times. It is ok to have days or moments when you feel a bit down but we need to be able to pick ourselves up as well.


  • Even if you don’t feel you need it, a positive message can really make a difference to someone else. 
  • Use the quotes below to inspire you to create your own motivational message.
  • You can create this however you like e.g. digital, or a poster. Make it colourful and vibrant.
  • Share your message on this post and let’s create a thread of positivity!

Have a great day P7!

Stay safe & keep smiling…


Mrs H 🙂





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