Today’s number of the day is 545 ➕➖➗✖️
May 26, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
May 26, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
May 26, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
May 21, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon
Good afternoon room 9. It was so lovely to speak to a couple of you today, thank you so much for talking to me! Everyone in the class has been invited to a chat so check your Glow accounts and add TEAMS as a tile. We have guides available for anyone who needs them.
I’ve sent rewards to 5 of you today who have been working hard on Sumdog. Can you please let me know if you received your coins okay?
Remember we’re still here to help you Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need assistance with anything.
May 21, 2020
by Miss Brown
Hello Room 12!
Study Ladder Tasks have been updated for today and our Sumdog challenge is still live.
I have added ‘Spelling Bingo’ to our teams page for you to practise some of your spelling words. I have uploaded this under the literacy folder in files.
If you have any questions, please get in touch through the blog, teams, or send me an email to my glow.
Miss Brown
May 21, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)
Good morning P7,
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. Whilst we can’t come together in our church to celebrate this feast with our community we can join together virtually to celebrate mass with Bishop Toal via the link below at 11am.
A reminder that Friday and Monday are HOLIDAYS from school, so relax, enjoy and do the things that make you happy.
We will be back on Tuesday!
Have a lovely long weekend P7, stay safe & keep smiling…
Mrs H 🙂
May 21, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
A final note..
Enjoy today’s tasks and I hope to hear from as many of you as possible this afternoon. You can come with questions and any worries you might want to talk about! I’ll be all ears 👂
Have a fantastic long weekend everyone and remember to cheer our NHS tonight!
Lots of love,
Miss Rossetti xx
May 21, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
Good morning Room 14! Happy Thursday 💜
Please remember tomorrow and Monday are bank holidays so you can chill and relax 😊
I am SO excited to hear from you all today. Please remember your invite has your specific time on it. You will either be 1pm, 2pm or 3pm. A few minutes before your time please go onto Teams and click “join”. When you can see me, you’re in! 👍
Well done to those who have logged onto Sumdog and Study Ladder. I know some people have been completing tasks at home with their family and that’s fine too. Remember it can be any Learning you are doing that you share, not just the tasks I set.
Today’s task is focused on Ascension Thursday.
Feast of the Ascension
Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension. We would normally go to Sacred Heart Church and celebrate mass together with Fr. McGoldrick Bishop Toal has kindly agreed to offer Mass for our school communities. Fr. McGoldrick and I would love it if you could join him at 11am via Facebook live at
Once you have celebrated mass from the comfort of your own home, I would like you to take 5 minutes to reflect. Think about the readings, what is Ascension Thursday? What happened on this day and why is it so important?
Once you have done that I would like you to write a short summary about Ascension Thursday. You can use the template below or create your own:
If you need some more help, you can do some research online. This short video might help:
May 21, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
May 21, 2020
by Miss Rossetti
May 21, 2020
by Mrs Frew