Sacred Heart Primary

June 1, 2020
by Mrs Frew

Room 14

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend. It really helps to break up the day when you can get outdoors for a while. I hope you are all staying safe and as always it would be lovely to hear from you. Thanks to Filip who sent me some excellent work on PowerPoint this week!


LI – We are experimenting with photography and learning how to upload and email a picture.

Ok, so, it feels wrong to be asking you all to stay inside on a computer when we have this wonderful weather, so this week I am going to add in a little outdoor technology. Let’s try some photography. You can use, an Ipad, phone or even an actual camera. I’d like you to try and take some fabulous pictures that we could put under the theme “Lockdown in Colour”
You can try and capture some beautiful plants, flowers, trees, paddling pools, anything that shows colour. You can try some different angled shots, close ups, wide shots. One rule is…no people in the pictures. If you can, upload and send me your favourite picture and I will put them on a slideshow and post them next week! Let’s see what you can do!

LI – We are learning about Pentecost.
On Sunday we celebrated Pentecost. Have a look at the PowerPoint attached to remind yourself of the story of Pentecost and try the activity afterwards.

Pentecost Story

Pentecost Activity

June 1, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 Achievements – 1st June 2020

Well done to everyone who took part in our Sumdog competition this week. I have sent coins to the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th and 5th places. I am very proud of your hard work.

Adam and Cooper you have worked very hard on Education City this week and I have sent a certificate to your Glow email.

Congratulations to Sophie for achieving a Silver Trophy on Studyladder and Cooper for reaching a platinum trophy. Both trophies have been sent to your Glow email.

Keep up the hard work everyone xxx

Check your Glow email as we have another TEAM catch up on Thursday at 12.30.


Mrs Sinclair xx

June 1, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)


Good Morning P7,

Hope you all had a great weekend enjoying the  glorious sunshine! ☀️😎

Today’s task is all about ‘PERSONIFICATION

What is it?
Personification is a figure of speech in which an object, an idea or an animal is given human qualities.

If you can imagine an object doing actions or behaving like a person, that’s personification.

Taking our current spell of good weather as inspiration for personification you could say…

The heat of the summer sun kissed my skin’


The rays of sunlight cast dancing shadows on the ground’

Get the idea? Good! 👍🏻

Looking around you for inspiration, choose 5/6 objects and write a sentence using personification.

Extra Task:- (go on you know you want to…
Can you explain why an author would use personification in their writing? What impact does it have on the reader?

Remember to share your work with me over on Teams and I’ll be available there all day to answer any questions or help with today’s task.

Also – I’ve scheduled a P7 Team meeting for Wednesday this week at 1.45pm so look out for an invite via your GLOW email and be sure to click ‘ACCEPT✔️

Have a lovely day P7!

Stay safe and keep smiling…

Mrs H 😊


June 1, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 – Monday 1st June 2020

Good Morning Room 1,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. This week we have a new sound, new spelling words and a new maths topic. I have updated Studyladder, Sumdog and Education City with new games and activities.

Check out this weeks new spelling words. Read and discuss each new word.

Week 30 words play no look

This weeks new sound is ‘oo’.

This week we are looking at 2D shape names and properties, do you recognise any of the shapes below?

Enjoy learning lots of new things today. Remember to log in to Sumdog to learn all about 2D shapes.


Mrs Sinclair

May 29, 2020
by Mrs Jaconelli

Room 13 – Happy Friday!

Hello my lovelies!

So no doubt many of you might be excited because as of today some lockdown rules are changing here in Scotland. I think the one most people are excited about is the fact that we are now allowed to meet with members of another household, outdoors, and while maintaining physical distancing. So if you will be doing that this weekend – enjoy!

Here is a handy visual tool to use to help understand (and perhaps explain to younger siblings) what Phase 1 of the lifting of lockdown involves.

Make sure you know all the do’s and don’ts and use this to help others at home become clear about the guidelines. Signage like this is going to be important in the coming weeks and months, and especially when we return to school!

I will send out invitations to another Teams meeting for next week. Please spread the word if you can (safely) so we can chat with as many of you as possible. If you have any ideas for what we could do, maybe a quiz, let me know!

Oh – you can email me on Glow but just in case here is the full address just in case:-

Take care and sending you lots of love as always,

Mrs. Jaconelli. x

P.S. Thank you so much to those who have send me a letter back, it made my day!


May 29, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good morning everyone.  How are you today?  I could only send coins to one of you yesterday so please have a go at any of the challenges on Sumdog today.  It can be any out of the three I’ve set for you.I’ll send 200 coins tomorrow to anyone who completes half of one challenge.

I can’t wait to read the next chapters of The Ickabog today.  There’s an amazing competition on the website just now where your illustrations could be used in the published book.  Here is the link.

The chapters are very short.  It would only take around 5 minutes for an adult or big brother or sister to read each chapter to you.  If you decide to enter, I’d love to see your drawings!  Or even if you decide to do them just for fun.

Have a wonderful day.

May 29, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)


Good Morning P7!


Rainbows have become a symbol of hope in these recent times and so your task today are science based activities you can easily do from home using sunlight to create rainbow patterns.

Rainbows are made when there is both sunlight and rain at the same time. As the white light from the sun passes through the water droplets of the rain it bends (refracts) and separates into the 7 colours of the rainbow.

Equipment Needed:

  • Water
  • Glass container
  • White paper
  • Old CD
  • A sunny day
  • Garden hose or watering can



1.Hold a container/glass of water so the sunlight goes through it. Place a white paper on the ground to capture your rainbow.

2. Place an old CD partially submerged in a container of water, making sure the CD is angled to the sun, place the paper in between the water and the sunlight.

3. Stand with the sun behind you and spray a hose of water or pour a watering can to make a fountain. Look for the rainbows of light within the water.



  • How can you make the biggest, brightest rainbow?
  • Does changing the angle of your CD or the height of the water make a difference?
  • Can you find any other ways to make your own rainbow?


Enjoy making rainbows and let me know how you got on. I’ll be over on Teams today if you have any questions.

Have a great day P7, stay safe & keep smiling…


Mrs H 🙂




May 29, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 29th May 2020

Good morning Room 14! Happy sunny Friday! Miss Rossetti is excited for some fun in the sun today ☀️

Thank you to everyone who logged on to our Teams meeting yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed our quiz! I have emailed one person asking for their quiz answers and once I have them I will be able to announce the winner. Well done to everyone, it was a fantastic effort from all ❤️

Today our task is focusing on Feel Good Friday:

Today’s task gives us the chance to focus on our mental wellbeing which now, more than ever is so important.

Using your knowledge of Emotion Works I want you to create your own emotion story using the cogs below. Identify an emotion you are feeling or have felt recently and follow the cogs to create the story of that emotion, finally arriving at the strategies you used to feel better (blue cog).

If you have any questions just let me know.. even take this task outside and enjoy doing it in the sun with an orange juice! 🍊

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and keep safe.

Lots of Love,

Miss R 😊 xx

May 29, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Friday 29th May 2020

Good morning Room 6! I am looking forward to our chat today! Here are some tasks for today:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task








Look at one word, cover it up and try to write it from memory. Do this with each word. How many did you write correctly?

Oxford Owl


Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details

Username: sacredheartroom6

Password: Room6


Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book.

Education City


On your Study Ladder account, I have set maths tasks for you. Choose a topic and work through the activities today for 20 minutes.



Go Noodle


Go on to the Go Noodle website and choose a few activities to join in with today.






Jar Lantern


Isla used an old jam jar, some tissue paper and string to create a colourful lantern. Why don’t you try it?


Good luck and have fun!

Mrs Bradley xx

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