Sacred Heart Primary

June 2, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Rainbow Cartoon Stock Photos And Images - 123RF

Good morning Room 6! Here are today’s activities:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task
Common Words







Use lego to make or build your common words.

 Oxford Owl


Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details

Username: sacredheartroom6

Password: Room6


Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book.



Log in to your Sumdog account and play for 20 minutes. Try to win as many coins as you can.



Cosmic Kids Yoga.


Go on to the Cosmic Kids Yoga website and choose an activity to do.



Colour Scavenger Hunt!


Try to take pictures of objects that are every colour of the rainbow.


Your fun task will give you some ideas for our Teams chat tomorrow!

Speak to you soon. Have a lovely day!

Mrs Bradley xx

June 2, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 – Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good Morning Room 1,

I just wanted to remind you that I am available all day on our TEAM chat. So any questions you have or if you just want to chat, just write a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I received something yesterday that made my day, a photo of someone in our class showing their hard work. Well done Cooper, I can’t wait to see more.

If anyone has any more pictures, I would love to see them.

I hope you enjoyed learning about your new sound and spelling words yesterday. Remember you can use playdoh, sand, grass, pasta, lego or anything else you can think of to make your ‘oo’ words and spelling words. This is a fun way to learn and will help you remember how to spell each word.

Mrs Frew has put up a Health & Wellbeing task as well as a Science experiment so give them a try today.

I’ll be back tomorrow with some more Maths activities and some fun tasks for our new topic.

Have a great day and remember if you need me, I’m available all day on our TEAM chat.


Mrs Sinclair xxx

June 2, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 2nd June 2020

Good morning Room 14 💐

I hope you all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine and perhaps having a socially distant gathering with some family members you haven’t saw in a while. I sure did ☀️

👁 Please keep an eye out for your Teams invite this week. It will be one group only so I hope as many of you can join as possible.

📚 The learning I have received over the weekend has been fabulous. Well done to everyone who has emailed me over some pieces of work. You have all been working so hard 🌟

This week we have a few tasks:


– I would love for you to read chapters 3, 4 and 5 of JK Rowling’s new book “The Ikabog”.
– I would then like you to summarise the events in the book so far (you can do this any way you wish: a paragraph, a mind map, a narrated story board).
– I would like you to continue with the illustration completion.
– I would like you to write a diary entry from the perspective of one of the characters. You can choose whatever character you wish.
– Lastly I would like you to find as many tricky words as you can in these three chapters. Use your  strategies to help you find out the meaning (read on, read back, dictionary, discussion). If you want to write them down you can bring them to our Teams meeting on Thursday and we can discuss them there.

The link to the Ikabog is here:

The Ikabog

Each group has been updated on Sumdog. Give the challenges a go!
– There is a times table challenge for everyone.
-Explore Study Ladder and complete some of the fun maths tasks on there.
-Log on to Top Marks and play some maths games: Top Marks Maths

-I am also looking for some more pupils to create our number of the day. Send me this over in an email and I can post it on our Blog/Twitter.


🚀 On Saturday we finally witnessed the launch of the Space X rocket in America. It was a fantastic moment that was amazing to watch. I hope some of you had a chance to watch the launch on NASA. This week I would like you to find out why this launch has been so special. I would like you to research:

1. Why the launch has been so special

2. Who the astronauts on board are

3. Why they are on the mission

4. What the Space X rocket is like


Here is a link to the launch:

As always I will continue to post some extra tasks on the blog throughout the week.

I hope you enjoy these tasks this week!

Stay safe and keep smiling,


Miss R 🥰

June 2, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)


Good morning P7,

Today I would like you to watch the latest edition of Newsround and create a summary of news events.

You can choose to summarise by writing or if you are feeling creative you could illustrate the headlines as a visualiser task.

Thank you to everyone who has accepted the invite to tomorrow’s Team meet – we are looking forward to catching up with you all.

Have a great day P7!

Stay safe and keep smiling…

Mrs H 😊



June 1, 2020
by Mrs Jaconelli

Room 13 Home Learning – 1st June

Hi everyone,

Welcome to another week! I hope you are all well. Have you been keeping up with The Ickabog?

Read the story.

Here are some suggested learning activities for you this week. As last week, you could always try some Early or First level activities with a younger sibling to help with their learning too!

I have invited all members of the class to one Team Meeting this week, it’s tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11am. I hope lots of you can join me!

Take care, miss you all, love,

Mrs Jaconelli. x

June 1, 2020
by Mrs McNally

Room 11 Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 1st June.

Good morning Room 11,

It is the start of a brand new month and today is also the feast day of Our Lady, Mother of the Church which is fitting with Mary’s role in the Church. This feast is celebrated each year every Monday after Pentecost.

Our comprehension focus this week will be about Pentecost which was celebrated yesterday in the Church. We are also going to revise nouns and shapes. On top of all this suggested work, I hope you all manage to safely enjoy this wonderful weather.

Thinking of you all,

Mrs McNally.

Room 11 Monday 1st June

Recognising Nouns

Noun Hunt

3D Shapes Properties

Colour by 3D Shapes


Pentecost Factfile

Pentecost Activity

Pentecost Wordsearch

June 1, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good morning everyone.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I did. I’ve noticed that far fewer people used Sumdog last week than usual, so this week I’ve only put up one maths challenge.  Please have a go at it.  Remember I’ll still be sending coins each day as a reward.  Is there anything else I can do to help you at home to make things easier?  Please leave me a wee comment just to check in and see how you’re doing.  Let me know what you’ve been up to whether it’s school work related or not.

I thought we should have a little fun today and try some brain teasers.  How many can you get right?  Some are trickier than others. And in case you’re wondering, I didn’t get them all right!

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