Good morning everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Head over to our teams page to find this weeks virtual classroom and all of the tasks I have set! Have fun and remember to email if you have any questions.
June 8, 2020
by Miss Robertson
Good morning everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Head over to our teams page to find this weeks virtual classroom and all of the tasks I have set! Have fun and remember to email if you have any questions.
June 8, 2020
by Mrs Frew
Good morning everyone! I have been seeing some of your work on the blog. Well done everyone! I knew you would all keep working hard for Miss Taggart. I hope you have all been managing to get out and about for some exercise this week even although the weather hasn’t been quite as nice. Have a go at some of the tasks below and as always, send us some pictures of your work if you can! Mrs Frew xxx
Health and Wellbeing
LI – I am learning to identify things that can make me feel better.
I am sure you have all had some wonderful times at home with your families and have made brilliant memories but I know that you will have times when you are really fed up and bored (even with all the toys you all have!) So this week, we are going to try and work out some things we can do to help when we are feeling this way! Have a look at the sheet below the next time you are fed up…is there something you can do from this sheet that would make you feel happy?
LI – I am learning to use a variety of techniques to create a piece of art.
This week we have had some rain for the first time in ages. I thought we might create some “Rain Art” Have a look at the examples below. One is using tinfoil to create rain drops and the other is using a technique called “spatter painting” which is created using and OLD toothbrush (please asks mums and dads and don’t use your actual toothbrush!) The picture is drawn and coloured then a use a cardboard cut out to hide the person under the umbrella before spraying paint on using the toothbrush. Have a go if you can!
June 8, 2020
by Mrs Frew
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well. Thank you to Zara, Filip and Killian for taking part in our photography task last week. I’d love more of you to give it a go. I will post the pictures that have been sent to me on the blog as I don’t have enough for a slideshow….yet. Have a go at your tasks this week if you can. Mrs Frew
LI – We are learning about Saint Columba.
Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of Saint Columba. Many of you may have heard of this saint but will not be very familiar with who he was. Have a little look at the PowerPoint below and try to familiarise yourself with him. Have a look at the map below to find out where in Scotland he spent many years?
LI – We are learning to create a design board using publisher.
This week the teachers will be allowed into the school building to start preparing for you all returning in August. Things around school are going to be a little different as I am sure you know.
A designer uses a design board to collate ideas for a project in one place.
Doing some research and using your knowledge of inserting images, I’d like you to create a design board with your thoughts on what classrooms may look like, what signs may be around the school, what facilities will be in use. Anything you can think of that will be a change. Gather images and create your design board using publisher. You can manipulate images and add text boxes to explain things. Be as creative as you can. Email me your work when you have completed it. Good luck!
June 8, 2020
by Mrs Frew
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and are managing to keep going with some of your school tasks. We love to hear from you and see what you have been up to at home so try to keep in touch. Hopefully we will see you all again sometime soon! Here are your tasks for the week. Give them a go if you can. Mrs Frew xxx
Health and Wellbeing
LI – We are learning to display our thoughts through poetry.
Boys and girls, this week is very exciting for us teachers. We are starting to plan for you all coming back to school in August. We are even allowed back into school (as long as we stay apart from each other) to get things ready. It made me think a lot about going back to school, the things I’m looking forward to and maybe the things I’m a little concerned or wondering about as we know it is going to be a bit different. I put all my thoughts into the acrostic poem below. Try your own acrostic poem using “Back To School” as your letters and share them with me!
LI – We are learning to use shade and tone.
Lately we have had some pretty awful rain and it made me wonder if there was any art that we could do which had something to do with rain but that focused on the skills we had been working on in class. I found this image of an umbrella which I loved because it also had the rainbow colours ( the rainbow is a symbol of hope). Give this one a try if you can. Take your time and remember to keep building up the colour from lightest to darkest. I’d love to see what you come up with!
June 7, 2020
by Mrs Bradley
Good morning Room 6! Welcome to a new week. Here are some tasks for today:
Spelling | Reading | Numeracy | P.E. | Fun Task |
mb comb lamb climb
Write your words 3 times and write a sentence for each. |
Choose a book from your house to read with a family member.
Write about your favourite part of the story and draw a picture. |
Go to the Top Marks Website and enjoy playing the Toy Shop Money Game. Choose mixed coins up to £1.
Take part in P.E. with Joe Wicks on YouTube.
Try to do some exercise outside – play a ball game, play with skipping ropes or a hula hoop. |
2 meters!
We all have to keep a safe distance just now of 2 meters apart. Use objects in your house to measure 2 meters. Try some in the picture below! |
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Bradley xx
June 5, 2020
by Mrs Vaugh
June 5, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon
Good morning! How are you? Today I’d like you to have a try at some of the questions on this website
It’s little brainteasers that are good fun. The website also reads out the questions to you if you find the words tricky. You can play without creating an account, but if you choose to create an account you can save your progress and pick up where you left off. It’s something a bit different and makes you think. It’s good fun!
What are your plans for the weekend? Please leave me a couple of comments. I’ll reply to them all. I love hearing from you!
Have a wonderful day!
June 5, 2020
by Miss Brown
Good Morning!
Head over to our Microsoft Teams page today for your activities. I have uploaded a PE workout for today and also a Powerpoint and worksheet focused on healthy foods. All of you work today can be found in the Health and Wellbeing folder in our Teams page.
Our school has also been entered into the North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition where we get the chance to compete against other schools. Log on and earn our school some coins!
Have a great Friday everyone.
Miss Brown.
June 5, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair
Happy Friday Room 1,
I hope you had a great week.
We are signed up for a big Sumdog competition against lots of other schools, it starts today and will end next Thursday. Log in and earn Sacred Heart some points 🙂
Today we only have two tasks.
Task number one is to write a sentence for each of your spelling words this week. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. To make the sentences extra special you could add in one of the ‘oo’ words you have learned this week. I would love to see what you come up with email me or send to the Team chat.
Task two is a scavenger hunt, we did one on the TEAMs chat yesterday and the children who took part had a great time. Try it with your family and let me know how you get on.
Enjoy and have a great weekend.
Mrs Sinclair xxx
June 5, 2020
by Mrs Bradley
Happy Friday Room 6! How are you? I am loving receiving your work through my email. Thank you! Here are some tasks completed by LJ and Charli May. Well done!
Here are your tasks for today:
Spelling | Reading | Numeracy | P.E. | Fun Task |
kn knock know knee knight kneel knew
Type your kn words on a computer or tablet. |
Oxford Owl
Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details Username: sacredheartroom6 Password: Room6
Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book. |
Study Ladder
On your Study Ladder account, I have set maths tasks for you. Choose a topic and work through the activities today for 20 minutes.
Go Noodle
Go on to the Go Noodle website and choose a few activities to join in with today.
Toy Car Wash!
Make a toy car wash with a little water in a tub and wash your toys. |
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Bradley xx