June 8, 2020
by Mrs Jaconelli
Good morning lovelies!
I hope you are all safe and well. The last few days have been eventful indeed, there is a lot of unrest in the world at the moment, and there have been protests around the world particularly in America. Click here to watch a Newsround report about these events.
How does watching and reading about this make you feel? What are your thoughts on the matter?
Please click through these powerpoints to get more information about racial discrimination.
Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Embrace our Differences.
Chat to someone at home about the information you read here. I’d like you to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about this while doing some mindfulness colouring.
Now I’d like you to create an information report about these events. Your report can be in any format you choose, eg. a leaflet, poster, powerpoint, solo talk, news report.
L.I. To create an information report.
S.C. The report will contain the following information:
- WHAT has happened.
- WHERE it happened.
- WHY it has happened.
- 3/4 other facts about these events.
- Illustrations/photographs/diagrams.
Remember, this is a factual report so use what you have watched and listened to in the Newsround article. Do not include your own thoughts and opinions – we will save those for another type of genre.
Good luck, and I’d love to see what you produce.
Lots of love,
Mrs. Jaconelli.