Sacred Heart Primary

June 9, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Wednesday 10th June 2020

Baaabbbbbyyyy!!!! I'm losing my mind I miss you so much!!!!! I'm ...


Good morning Room 6! How are you? I have been very busy this week in school preparing our classrooms for August. I can’t wait to see you all again.

Here are your tasks for today:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task






Rainbow Spelling –

Write your phoneme words in rainbow colours!

Study Ladder


I have set more  Reading and Grammar tasks. Continue to work through some of these today for 20 minutes.





Study Ladder


On your Study Ladder account, I have set more maths tasks for you. Choose a topic and continue to work through the activities today for 20 minutes.



Jump Start Jonny


Go to the Jump Start Jonny website and enjoy taking part in an energetic and fun P.E. task today.




Big Dreams!


Head over to the penguin website this week for the Puffin Festival of Big Dreams where there will be different writer’s workshops each day! It looks like fun!






Lots of online tasks today! Enjoy!

Mrs Bradley xx

June 9, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)


Good Morning P7,

Today I would like you to take part in the North Lanarkshire numeracy challenge currently being run on Sumdog.

Login and start building up those coins, every point earned helps towards Sacred Heart’s final total.

Also, if you are still to complete your ‘Friendship Form’ for CNHS then it’s really important you do it today. I have linked the form below.

Have a great day P7,

Stay safe & keep smiling…

Mrs H 😊



June 9, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good morning Room 9!  Please check your Glow email account for an invitation to a TEAMS chat today at 12.  I’d love to speak to you!

Today, all I’d like you to do is draw a picture of something that makes you happy.  It can be an item, your family, your pets, a person, a hobby, a place – anything at all.  Could you please write a few sentences about why you chose to draw that particular picture.  Please email them to me at

You can just type your sentence onto the email or hand-write it under the picture.  Whatever you prefer.

Have a wonderful day and I’ll hopefully speak to some of you today at 12.

June 9, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 – Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good Morning Room 1,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed Mrs Frew’s experiment yesterday.

I am sorry I never got certificates out yesterday as I was in our school preparing for your return in August.

I am also in school today so I will send over all achievements from Sumdog, Studdyladder & Education City tonight. If you have made any other achievements over the last few weeks send me over an email or picture or comment below and I will make sure you also get a certificate.

I hope you are participating in the whole school Sumdog challenge, log in and earn points for Sacred Heart.

Today we will look at our new sound and our new common words. Check them out below.

Week 31 made like make


Mrs Sinclair xxx

June 9, 2020
by Miss Brown

9th June

Good Morning Room 12!

Head over to our Room 12 Teams page today to see your suggested activity which is focused on learning all about ‘Endangered Species.’ You will find this activity under the Science folder in Files. 🦏

SumDog competition is still on just now, make sure to log in and get our school on the leaderboard. 😊

Our class call is at 12pm today and it will be another great chance to catch up with you all and hear about some of the things you have done over the last week. Have a little think of any achievements or great things you did over the past week to share with us on the call. 📞

I can’t wait to speak to you all. Have a great day everyone.

Miss Brown.

June 9, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 8th June 2020

Good morning Room 14! 🥰

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed some of the sunshine. Once again thank you to those who have emailed me over some great work. You have all been working so hard. Well done 🧡 It was also lovely to catch up with some of you again on Thursday. It cheers me up getting a chance to speak to you. On Friday I was at the Hub and getting some great ideas for learning! Yesterday I was in our own school and getting things prepared for returning in August! 😊

For this weeks learning plan I have a few things for you:


For numeracy all week I want you to log on to Sumdog and try and answer as many questions as possible in the NLC competition. We want to see Sacred Heart on the leaderboard! We’ve got this! 😆➕➖✖️➗

Digital Literacy

The last few days have been eventful indeed, there is a lot of unrest in the world at the moment, and there have been protests around the world particularly in America. Click here to watch a Newsround report about these events.

How does watching and reading about this make you feel? What are your thoughts on the matter?

Please click through these powerpoints to get more information about racial discrimination.

Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Embrace our Differences.

Chat to someone at home about the information you read here. I’d like you to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about this while doing some mindfulness colouring.

Your task for the week is to create an information report about these events. Your report can be in any format you choose, eg. a leaflet, poster, powerpoint, solo talk, news report.

The report will contain the following information:

  • WHAT has happened.
  • WHERE it happened.
  • WHY it has happened.
  • 3/4 other facts about these events.
  • Illustrations/photographs/diagrams.

Remember, this is a factual report so use what you have watched and listened to in the Newsround article. Do not include your own thoughts and opinions – we will save those for another type of genre.

Please don’t rush this task, take your time and take the next few days to process what you have watched and read and discuss your thoughts and opinions on it with others.

Good luck with this 😊

Health and Wellbeing 

Have a think about your favourite P6 memory. Perhaps have a discussion with your family or friends or even write some down in your diary. Keep these safe for a task we might do in the next few days! 🥰

Have a lovely day everyone and please email me or contact via TEAMS if you have any problems.

Keep smiling,

Miss Rossetti xx

June 8, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning Room 6! Here are your tasks for today:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task
Common Words







Make a poster with your common words. Remember to add pictures!

 Oxford Owl


Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details

Username: sacredheartroom6

Password: Room6


Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book.

Sumdog Challenge!


Mrs Vaugh has posted about a new Sumdog Challenge for this week. Log in to your account and play for 20 minutes. Try to win as many coins as you can.



Cosmic Kids Yoga.


Go on to the Cosmic Kids Yoga website and choose an activity to do.



Big Dreams!


Head over to the penguin website this week for the Puffin Festival of Big Dreams where there will be different writer’s workshops each day! It looks like fun!




I hope you enjoy your activities today. Please email me and let me know how you are getting on. I am missing you all so much.

Mrs Bradley xx

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