Sacred Heart Primary

June 12, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Friday 12th June 2020

Have Fun Rainbow Splash Paint Stock Illustration - Download Image ...

Good morning Room 6! Happy Friday! Here are your tasks for today:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task








If you have old magazines and newspapers in the house, find and cut out mb words.

Oxford Owl


Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details

Username: sacredheartroom6

Password: Room6


Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book.

Study Ladder


On your Study Ladder account, I have set maths tasks for you. Choose a topic and work through the activities today for 20 minutes.



Go Noodle


Go on to the Go Noodle website and choose a few activities to join in with today.



Big Dreams!


Head over to the penguin website this week for the Puffin Festival of Big Dreams where there will be different writer’s workshops each day! It looks like fun!




I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Bradley xx

June 12, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 – Friday 12th June 2020

Good Morning Room 1,


I know it might not feel like it today but this Season is Summer and it is our new topic. Today let’s try to design and make our own ice lollies. You can try creating your own or build the 3D models I have attached below.

ice lolly 3D


I hope you enjoyed the story of Jack and the Beanstalk yesterday. In the story Jack has to sell his cow. Do you think you could make a poster to help Jack sell his cow?  Is there anything special about Jack’s cow? Use your imagination.

cow for sale

As always I would love to see your hard work. Thank you for the pictures I have received already.

Have a great weekend everyone and I will check in again on Monday.


Mrs Sinclair



June 11, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good afternoon Room 9.  Apologies for the late post today.

Here is the link for today’s BBC lessons.  As always, please let me know what you think of them.  Are there any tasks you particularly  like or dislike?

Again, please email me or leave a comment here just to let me know how are you and what you’ve been up to.  I really miss you and I still want to chat to you as much as I can.

Have a wonderful day!

June 11, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 11th June 2020

Good morning Room 14!

I hope you all received your email invitation to our Teams meeting tomorrow. It’s an invite for everyone and will begin at 11am. I am looking forward to catching up with as many of you as possible ☺️

Once again a huge thank you to those that have emailed me over Powerpoints, Posters, Word Wheels, Number of the day and lots of other work. The work has been fantastic and I’m super proud ❣️

Remember numeracy this week is Sumdog and our NLC competition! I hope you are all enjoying it ➕➖✖️➗

For literacy you have your Black Lives Matter project as well as our Ickabog book. I have also gathered some story starters which I think will be great for you to use for Taught Writing today:

These story starters allow for lots of creativity and imagination! We have used story starters in class before and know that we let our imagination take over when using them.

You should follow these steps to creating your piece of imaginative writing:

1. Choose your story starter

2. Begin a plan – Who? What? When? Where? Why? You can create a plan using a mind map or bullet points under each heading.

3. Start your story and remember to check all spelling and punctuation. Please use as much detail as possible including similes, metaphors and great description.

4. You must have a beginning, middle and end. We have spoke about strong conclusions, remember to include a good ending to your story.

5. Illustrate your story.

6. Share with me 😊


I hope you enjoy your day and look forward to speaking with some of you tomorrow,


Much love,

Miss Rossetti xx

June 11, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)


Good morning P7,

It was amazing seeing so many of you yesterday!
I hope you are wearing your leavers hoodies with pride!
Please remember to send a photo of you wearing your hoodie to our Teams page or you can email me on Glow too!
I’m still looking for your Sacred Heart highlights for our memory jar so please send these over as soon as you can.

Continue working on Sumdog today P7 and  keep on adding to our school score.

Have a great day P7,

Stay safe & keep smiling!

Mrs H 😊

June 11, 2020
by Mrs Frew

****Name That Baby**** Final Day!

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the “Name That Baby” fun. Yesterday’s baby was your very own Head Teacher MRS SOMERVILLE! Today is our last picture. I’m going to give you a clue. This time, it’s one of our wonderful classroom assistants! Good luck!

June 11, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 – Thursday 11th June 2020

Good Morning Room 1,

Thank you so much for the book reports I received yesterday. It was so wonderful seeing all your hard work as I have really missed it.

Remember today is the last day to earn points for Sacred Heart in the Sumdog Challenge.

Today let’s test our knowledge of our new sound ‘ck’ and our spelling words (make, made & like)

Try this cut and stick spelling for ‘ck’


Write a sentence for each new word, remember finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

I would love to see your finished work. Email over or send to the TEAMs chat.

I was so impressed with the book reports from yesterday I thought we would try another reading task. I have attached the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, read it with someone in your family and discuss your favourite part. Think about what the big problem in the story is and how it was resolved.


Watch out tomorrow as there will be a read to write task about the story.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Mrs Sinclair xxx

June 11, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Thursday 11th June 2020

Have A Great Thursday Lettering Stock Illustration - Download ...

Good morning Room 6! I hope you are all ok and that you have a good day today. Here are some tasks to keep you busy:

Spelling Writing Numeracy P.E. Fun Task
Common Words







Write some silly sentences using your common words.

 Lockdown Life


Write about what you have enjoyed doing during Lockdown.

Sumdog Challenge!


Log in to your Sumdog account and play for 20 minutes. Try to get as many coins as possible. Good luck!


Dance with Oti


Go on to Oti Mabuse’s YouTube channel and learn a new dance today.





BBC Bitesize


This is a great website. Go to Daily Lessons. Choose year 1/Primary 2 and you can pick a subject of your choice for today. Have fun!


Have fun everyone!

Mrs Bradley xx

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