June 15, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)
Dear Primary 7 Parent s and Carers,
Pupil Visits to Cardinal Newman High School – Friday 19 June 2020
Further to the update I asked your primary school to send to you yesterday regarding our enhanced S1 transition programme and about some of the transition work we have already carried out, we have been made aware that some of our P7 pupils are very disappointed that they will not be able to visit Cardinal Newman High School before they come here in August. This is understandable and we are committed to ensuring that this situation is addressed. We want our new S1 to arrive as confident and reassured as possible – given the current crisis.
As we mentioned yesterday we have worked very closely with our associated primary schools before and over the period of lockdown and there has been much successful transition work overtaken with pupils using Teams, Twitter and through a variety of materials produced. There is also more transition work planned for the summer months. As we said yesterday if you would like more information about the transition programme or related specific materials, please contact me at the school. (Contact details below)
We will continue to meet with our enhanced transition group as planned over the next 2 weeks as outlined to you yesterday. Those children and families have been identified and know who they are.
In order to address the disappointment that some of our new pupils have, we are now proposing some additional opportunities for all P7 pupils to come for a visit on Friday 19 June at the times below:
9.30am- St. John Paul II
11am – Holy Family
12.30pm – Sacred Heart
2pm – St. Gerard’s
If your child is unable to attend at the time slot given, please contact me and I will do my best to accommodate them. If you are unable to accept this invitation – please do not worry. We will ensure all relevant transition information is sent to you.
The meeting will last approximately one hour and will allow pupils to meet a small number of staff and see the inside of the building if they have not already done so. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers. Pupils should enter the main building via the reception area where they will have access to hand sanitizer and social distancing guidance and safe behaviours will be explained. Parents should leave the children at the reception door and come back for their child after 1 hour. Please meet your child in the car park. A member of staff will be on hand to help you.
This additional invitation, combined with other teams meeting with pupils which are scheduled to take place before the summer break will, we hope, allay any fears or worries our young people are experiencing. As is always the case there will be a programme of transition in place for pupils when they arrive in August.
If you would like to contact us on any other matter please use the contact details below. We will get back to you.
With every best wish
Mrs Murray
School telephone number – 01698 575738
Email – enquiries@cnhs