Sacred Heart Primary

June 22, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 22nd June 2020

Good morning Room 14! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Welcome to our final week of Primary 6… how time flies! It’s not the ending to the year that we would have hoped but these things can’t be helped. I’m just so grateful we are all safe ❤️

Keep an eye out in your inbox today. You should receive the TEAMS invite for tomorrow which will be at 12pm. I hope you can all make it and we can have one last laugh before the summer holidays ☀️

This week’s learning is all about our SPORTS DAY…

 Below I have attached some information about equipment you will need and the times of the warm up, when you need to submit your scores and what time the winners will be announced!!

We can’t wait to see all the pictures of you taking part in the events!

Today why don’t you make your own score card to record your points? You can print the one attached also if you would prefer!

Remember to follow NLActiveSchools on Twitter!

Please keep an eye out on Miss Robertson’s post about our sports day. I can’t wait to see any pictures you have of you taking part!

Good luck!

Enjoy ❤️❤️ Xx

June 19, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)


Good morning P7,

Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart, a special day for our school and parish.

Even though we can’t gather together in our beautiful church as we usually would, we can take a moment today to reflect on the love that we have experienced throughout our school year and be thankful for the people who show us love and care.

Please remember also to keep Father McGoldrick in your prayers as I know he is missing you all very much and can’t wait to welcome you back to church.

Finally P7, I know you will be looking forward to your visit to CNHS this afternoon, you will be given lots of information today about what to expect in August but if you still have questions that you didn’t get a chance to ask today or maybe  you think of something over the weekend then you will have the opportunity to ask Mrs Murray and Miss Morrison on Monday afternoon as we have set up another Team chat.

Please check your GLOW email for the invite and send your acceptance.

Enjoy your day P7.

Stay safe and keep smiling…


Mrs H 🙂


June 19, 2020
by Miss Robertson

Virtual Sports Day Mon 22nd June

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all excited for the NL Sports Day on Monday. Below I have attached some information about equipment you will need and the times of the warm up, when you need to submit your scores and what time the winners will be announced!!

We can’t wait to see all the pictures of you taking part in the events!

Today why don’t you make your own score card to record your points? You can print the one attached also if you would prefer!

Remember to follow NLActiveSchools on Twitter!

June 19, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good morning room 9.  Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.  Normally, we would be celebrating in Church with a lovely Mass.  Father McGoldrick is a little bit sad that we can’t do that this year, so I thought we could try and cheer him up.  This is a photo I took when Father was helping us prepare for our First Confession and was showing us what happened at our Baptism.  I thought he would love it if you drew this picture for him.  If you email them to me on Glow at or just type my name into the box it should come up.  I’ll send them to him.

It doesn’t matter whether you made your First Confession or not.  Father McGoldrick is a wonderful friend to everyone and loves you all!

Let’s do something to make Father McGoldrick’s day that little bit better.  And of course, we can pray for him. Maybe you could write our Sacred Heart prayer somewhere on your drawing.  Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you. I look forward to sending him all your drawings!

June 19, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 19th June 2020


Good morning Room 14, Happy Friday ❤️

Thank you to those who joined in on our TEAMS chat yesterday. As always it was lovely to catch up. Also a huge well done to those who have emailed me over some work, it’s been fabulous!

Today’s tasks are for RE and Health & Well-being:


As we discussed on Wednesday, today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart, our school’s feast day. It’s such a special day for us and our community and it’s a real shame that we can’t celebrate it in our usual way at mass with Father McGoldrick.

I spoke with the children on TEAMS yesterday about creating a prayer for Jesus, thanking him for guiding us through life, especially during these difficult times and helping us to make the right decisions. Thank you to Zara for your excellent prayer, Fr. McGoldrick will love it. I said yesterday I would like you to design around your prayer making it as colourful and bright as you can. You can begin your prayer with “Dear Jesus,” or something similar and remember to end with Amen.

If you have already done this please remember to email me it over so I can share it with Father. Also I said yesterday if you would prefer to write Fr McGoldrick a letter telling him all about your lockdown experience then that would be great too. He is missing everyone and know he would love to hear from you all. Especially since it’s been so sad that we missed our Confirmation.

Health & Wellbeing

During the week I asked you to have a think about your favourite p6 memories. This was to help with today’s task!  I would like you to create your own memory jar from our year in Primary 6. You can use this template:

or you can create your own. It would be even more special if you had a real jar spare in your cupboards at home that you could use for this (remember if you use the paper template design it as beautifully as you can!)

What you can do is;

If you have a poly pocket at home or even a plastic bag, trace round the jar from the bottom to just before the top (under the words “memory jar”). Once you’ve done that, glue the sides and bottom down to the top of the memory jar, leaving the top open for you to slide things in.

Once you’ve done this, I would then like you to get an A4 piece of paper and fold it 3 times, making 6 small squares. Cut these out and these will be used for your memories. Write your favourite memory on each piece of paper and draw a picture to illustrate it. Colour these and then pop them in your memory jar. This is something you can keep forever to remind you of your primary 6 year.

If you would prefer, you could also draw your jar and write your memories in it with pictures. It’s completely up to you! ❤️

I look forward to seeing the final products and hope you enjoy your tasks.

Have a fantastic weekend and we’ll catch up on Monday.

Lots of love,

Miss R 🥰 xx

June 18, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Friday 19th June 2020

Cool To Be Kind A3 Print | A3 Print | Munks and Me | Bobby Rabbit

Good morning Room 6! Happy Friday, I hope you are all ok. It was so lovely to speak to some of you yesterday and I really enjoyed the games we played. You were all so good at them!

Here are your tasks to finish off the week:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task









Can you create your words using lego or blocks in your house?

Oxford Owl


Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details

Username: sacredheartroom6

Password: Room6


Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book.

Study Ladder


Choose a maths topic that I have set up for you and work through the activities today for 20 minutes.



Go Noodle


Go on to the Go Noodle website and choose a few activities to join in with today.






Act of Kindness!


Do something kind for someone in your house today. Could you make them a surprise or help them with something?


I would to hear all about your acts of kindness. Please send me an email and let me know!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Bradley xx

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