Sacred Heart Primary

June 23, 2020
by Mrs Sinclair

Room 1 – Tuesday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Room 1,

I hope you enjoyed the virtual sports day yesterday. I would love to know how you got on.

Did anyone manage to do Mrs Frew’s final experiment?

It makes me so sad that this is our last week 🙁 so let’s try this lovely activity that Mrs Bradley from Room 6 came up with. I would love to see your posters when they are finished.


Mrs Sinclair


June 23, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good morning Room 6! I hope you enjoyed our Virtual Sports Day yesterday!

Can you recreate this poster as we think about being back at school after the summer?



If you can, send me an email with a picture of your work.

Take care.

Mrs Bradley xx

June 23, 2020
by Miss Robertson

Room 9&10

Good morning all.

Can you believe it is almost the summer holidays? Usually we would be going on school trips, making the most of the nice weather, taking part in lots of outdoor learning, and reminiscing about all of our achievements and favourite things from the school year.

Since we can’t all take a school trip together, why don’t we take a virtual trip?

You can visit Edinburgh Zoo, learning about some of the animals they have, play some interactive games and watch the Zoo’s animal cameras!!

Or explore some Scottish Castles here;

There are 360 videos of some Scottish Castles, and lots of activities you could do at home with your family!

Stirling Castle Jobs

Edinburgh Castle

Have fun!

June 23, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 23rd June 2020

Morning Room 14!

I am looking forward to hearing from you all on TEAMS at 12pm. I’ll be in school today so you’ll see a familiar background! ☺️

Remember this week we are taking part in the NLC Sports Day! I know the weather isn’t great today ☔️ but perhaps try some of the activities indoors! Have a look at Miss Robertson’s posts for today’s schedule.

Also keep a little 👁 out in your emails for a little end of year virtual gift from Miss Rossetti..

Have a great day and I’ll hear from you all at 12.

Lots of love

Miss R xx

June 22, 2020
by Mrs McNally
1 Comment

Room 11 Monday 22nd June 2020

Good afternoon Room 11,

I hope you are all enjoying the North Lanarkshire virtual sports activities. As we approach our last day of term, I have included an active Summer Home Learning grid with lots of suggested activities for over the next few days.

Summer Home Learning Grid


Mrs McNally.



June 22, 2020
by Miss MacKinnon


Good morning Room 9.  This is the last Monday I’ll be posting this school year. I can’t believe we’re almost ready for the summer holidays.  Our final TEAMS chat is tomorrow at 12.  I’ve sent the invitation so feel free to accept.  I’d like you to think about your favourite memory from Primary 3.  I know there’s so many it’ll be hard to choose.  I’ll tell you what mine is too.  Can you guess?

I hope you all enjoy your virtual sports day today.  As always, I’d love to hear from you or see some photos of you taking part.  I’ll set up our last Sumdog challenge of the year today.  Let’s give it a go.  Since it’s the last one, I’ll award 200 coins each day for everyone who has been completing the challenge.

Have a wonderful day!

June 22, 2020
by Miss Brown

Room 12

Good Morning Room 12.

I hope you have all had a lovely, safe weekend.

You have made it to the last week of Primary 4/5 and I can’t believe how quickly your year has went. I am so proud of how much you have all grown throughout the year and I know that you are all so ready for going into Primary 5/6. 🌟

Today we are all taking part in the NLC Virtual Sports Day. There are so many different, fun activities to compete in from home. Remember to take some pictures and you can post them on the Teams page or on Twitter. Good luck everyone!

Lastly your task for this week is to reflect on your year in Primary 4 and Primary 5. This last term has been something that none of us have ever experienced before. Teachers have never taught online lessons for primary children and children have never done all their learning at home. I want to you think about how this has been for you and write a short comment telling me your thoughts and feelings.

Have a great day everyone. I am on teams all day if you would like to speak to me about anything.

Miss Brown. 🌈


June 22, 2020
by Mrs Hodgson (nee Houston)
1 Comment


Good Morning P7,

Well, you’ve made it to the last week of school! How are you feeling?

I hope you enjoyed your visit to CNHS on Friday, I’m looking forward to hearing all about it on our Teams chat later today – 2pm remember!

Today we are all taking part in the NLC Virtual Sports Day, there are lots of fun activities to take part in so please get involved! Send your photos to our Teams page and I’ll pop them on the Twitter page!
Good luck!

Speak to you all later this afternoon.

Have a great day P7,

stay safe and keep smiling…

Mrs H 😊

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