Good morning Room 6! Here are your tasks for today:
Spelling | Reading | Numeracy | P.E. | Fun Task |
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Write your words separately on to two sets of cards. Play a memory game – lay all the cards out face down and turn turns trying to match the words. |
Choose a book from your house to read with a family member.
Use your imagination to write a different ending to the story. |
Study Ladder
On your Study Ladder account, I have set maths tasks for you. Choose a topic and work through the activities today for 20 minutes.
Go Noodle
Go on to the Go Noodle website and choose a few activities to join in with today.
Obstacle Course!
Design and make an obstacle course at home or in the garden. How fast can you complete it? |
Enjoy your activities today and I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bradley xx