Good Morning Room 12.
I hope you have all had a lovely, safe weekend.
You have made it to the last week of Primary 4/5 and I can’t believe how quickly your year has went. I am so proud of how much you have all grown throughout the year and I know that you are all so ready for going into Primary 5/6. ๐
Today we are all taking part in the NLC Virtual Sports Day. There are so many different, fun activities to compete in from home. Remember to take some pictures and you can post them on the Teams page or on Twitter. Good luck everyone!
Lastly your task for this week is to reflect on your year in Primary 4 and Primary 5.ย This last term has been something that none of us have ever experienced before. Teachers have never taught online lessons for primary children and children have never done all their learning at home. I want to you think about how this has been for you and write a short comment telling me your thoughts and feelings.
Have a great day everyone. I am on teams all day if you would like to speak to me about anything.
Miss Brown. ๐