Good morning Room 14! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Welcome to our final week of Primary 6… how time flies! It’s not the ending to the year that we would have hoped but these things can’t be helped. I’m just so grateful we are all safe
Keep an eye out in your inbox today. You should receive the TEAMS invite for tomorrow which will be at 12pm. I hope you can all make it and we can have one last laugh before the summer holidays
This week’s learning is all about our SPORTS DAY…
Below I have attached some information about equipment you will need and the times of the warm up, when you need to submit your scores and what time the winners will be announced!!
We can’t wait to see all the pictures of you taking part in the events!
Today why don’t you make your own score card to record your points? You can print the one attached also if you would prefer!
Remember to follow NLActiveSchools on Twitter!
Please keep an eye out on Miss Robertson’s post about our sports day. I can’t wait to see any pictures you have of you taking part!
Good luck!
Enjoy Xx