Good morning Room 6! Here are your tasks for today:
Spelling | Reading | Numeracy | P.E. | Fun Task |
ll drill allow shallow
Can you make your words with lego or building blocks? |
Study Ladder
I have set more Reading and Grammar tasks. Continue to work through some of these today for 20 minutes. Some of you have earned certificates and I can see how hard you are working. Well done!
Study Ladder
On your Study Ladder account, I have set more maths tasks for you. Choose a topic and continue to work through the activities today for 20 minutes.
Jump Start Jonny
Go to the Jump Start Jonny website and enjoy taking part in an energetic and fun P.E. task today.
Choose your favourite superhero and think of interesting words to describe them. Think about their powers, personality and outfit! |
I can’t wait to speak to you today on Teams!
Mrs Bradley xx