Sacred Heart Primary

Home Learning 18th May 2020


Good morning Room 14. Happy Monday πŸ’œ I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I have received some replies to the Teams chat on Thursday. There are 3 groups each at a different time. Please triple check what time you are and reply to the invite in your emails.

Your home Learning for this week is:


– Each spelling group has tasks updated on Study Ladder.
– I would like you to spend some time this week listening to an e-book or reading one of your favourite books.
– Continue to revise your spelling words from the last few weeks. You can practise these any way you wish.


– Each maths group has tasks on Sumdog to complete this week.
– Continue to revise your times tables, we use lots of strategies to help us in class so think of a unique way to learn your tables.

Health and Well-being

– Miss Rossetti would love for you to send an email through Glow to one of your friends you haven’t checked in with during the school closures. Ask if they are okay, what they have been doing etc.
– Try this too:

I love all of these acts of kindness πŸ’œ


-This week I would like us to research Tim Peake. I would like you to create a PowerPoint all about him. As much detail included as you can πŸ™‚

Here is a little video to help you:


As always Miss Rossetti will continue to add different tasks in throughout the day/week.

Have a good day,


Miss R xx

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