Sacred Heart Primary

Home Learning 27th April 2020


Good morning my lovely Room 14! Monday again.

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend in the sunshine, I am missing you all even more each day!


I have updated each maths group with tasks until Wednesday on SUMDOG. There is also a times table challenge for everyone to try.


-I have also updated each group with tasks for literacy on STUDY LADDER.

-Take 20 minutes to read a chapter of your favourite book or listen to an audiobook online.

The spelling for this week will be:


Superstar Spellers Rockin’ Spellers Fantastic Spellers Wow Spellers


once counting fang
stationary skilful idea wing
development audible liked sang
guard design mile king
parallel furthermore music ring
straight opposite river lung
beautiful soldier running bang

You can use any of your fun spelling strategies to help you with your words for this week. Be as creative as you can!

Health and Wellbeing

As we all know during these difficult times we can have good days and bad days. We can feel sad and stressed some days and other days feel so content and happy. Today I want us to focus on what happiness is, especially during this time. It gives us a time to reflect on what we are grateful for during this difficult time. I know that I have found great happiness outdoors and with the sunshine and spending lots of quality time with my family. Have a look at this task:

You can create your own version of this on an A4 sheet.. I would like you to write what you think happiness is, especially during these times. For example, Happiness is.. spending time in the great outdoors and exploring God’s beautiful world. Or, Happiness is.. spending time with my family playing games at home and enjoying each others company. Happiness is lots of things!


I hope you enjoy your tasks today Room 14,

Good luck and please remember to share your work with me.

Miss Rossetti x


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