Hi Room 10,
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying some of this lovely sunshine with your family. Here are your tasks for this week. Give them a go if you can and I’d love to hear from you through the week. Mrs Frew xx
Health and Wellbeing
LI – We are learning about online safety.
This week I would like you to think about the type of things you do online. Draw a simple rectangle the size of your phone or Ipad and draw a picture of something you do online. Something like this…
Talk to an adult at home about your picture. Are you communicating with people online? Is it a safe website you are using? Is it appropriate for your age?
LI – We are learning about the importance reflection.
Last week I asked you to try and watch a mass online and spot things like the sanctuary lamp, the paschal candle and the tabernacle in the church. Did anyone manage to do this? Remember to comment and let me know if you did.
This week I would like you to have a think about things you are thankful for in your life just now. Maybe you are thankful that you have your family at home, maybe you are thankful for brothers and sisters to play with, maybe you are thankful for the things you have at home. Let me know what you are most thankful for.
I am very thankful that my family are safe and for the lovely weather we have had this past week!