About The Spitfire

Spitfire was made in 1936.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Supermarie spitfire,K5054 first flew in march 1936,and three months later the Government ordered 310 of them to be built , then the largest single aircraft in history.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Britain built a total of about 20,000 spitfires, mainly at Castle Bromwich and Southampton, but the down of the jet age at the end of world war II meant that the propeller-driven planes quickly became obsolete.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             spitfire guns:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        303 in Browing machine guns, each with 300 rounds and a armed cannon.                                                                                                                                               See the source image

Scarborough trip

1st day

the first day nothing much happened. Vindolanda was the place when were going

2nd day

we went into York we done the city cruse and we went down the river Ozze then we went to the Jorvik Viking Center then we went to York chocolate factory what was really fun 😝

3rd day

we went to flamingo land it was also really fun 😝. I went on a ride called velocity it went up to 60mgh

4th day

all we done was pack then we got to. The bus and headed home


Homework – my trip to the wear yellow walk and m&ds!

When we first arrived at Strathclyde Park we received our hats and little water bottles but as we were walking up this man shouted “ST THOMAS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL!” and then we had to scream and shout:) Then we actually started the 6K walk for St. Andrews Hospice, it was fine at the beginning but when we walked quite far my legs started to get really sore:( Then we sat down for about 15 minutes and ate our snacks. When we started walking again my legs were still in pain! We had to walk from there to the end without any breaks. Then we finally made it and got our lunch:D  I also saw my two friends, one that lives close by my house and one that used to go to our school! When we were going away we saw the band ‘The Cutkelvins’ performing on stage. The worst thing about this trip was that we had to walk to M&Ds because the bus wouldn’t take us:( But then finally, we got to M&Ds!! So the first ride I went on was called ‘Mad Mouse’ (obviously!) and then I went on many different rides. My favourite rides are probably Mad Mouse and White Water because Mad Mouse is very fast and exciting and on White Water you get soaked! I had SO much fun and I hope next year if I’m not going to Scarborough we’ll go to M&Ds again!   -THE END-

Homework <3

This is about my trip to Scarborough.

Day 1-

On the first day we visited “VINDOLANDA” The place had a lot of old roman houses,we also learned a bit about it and tried to guess what some of the buildings were used for,one of them was a butchers shop. Then we went back to the hotel which was called “GRAND HOTEL” we had to wait tho…the rooms were wrong. Anyways i shared a room with my BFF Abi which i was delighted about :D. Then at night we went to the beach (: it was freezingggggg.

Day 2-

On the second day we went on the bus and got to york.When we got there we had to look for our boat,we were nearly late! We got on the boat and the boat took us around most of the city. I enjoyed it but the only bad thing was that it was rainy :/. Then we walked a bit and we sat down and ate our lunch,some people got ice cream but i didn’t want it because it was too cold.When everyone finished their lunch we went to “JORVIK VIKING CENTER” It was a ride that showed u how the vikings lived and what they did,also there was a smell which i didnt like :’D But to be honest the ride was good.Then after the ride there was a museum bit and we saw lot’s of bones,clothing,coins and others.There was also…human poo which i found wierd and disgusting 😮 .  And now my favourite bit,we went to “YORK’S CHOCOLATE STORY” it was so fun! There was a man that took us around all the stations and he let us try cocoa. It didn’t taste nice.Next we got to try chocolates,some of them were good but some of them i hated because most of it was dark chocolate,one of it had like lime juice inside.We got back to the hotel and i seriously had the best sleep ever!

Day 3-

This  day was so exciting! We got to go to “FLAMINGO LAND” it was so much fun! Some people went on the scary rides,i didn’t because i didn’t want to leave Abi too much. Although we still had a great time together,we went on lots of rides. One of them was called “SPLASH BATTLE” we came on nice and warm and dry and we got off soaken wet and freezing! I loved flamingo land (: After that we got to our hotel and changed our clothes,then we went down to have dinner. After that we went bowling which also was extreamly fun! First i was really bad at it but then i got better and better (: . At night me and Abi are just relaxing watching the TV and all of a sudden….ABI SEE’S A HUGE SPIDER IN OUR LIGHT. WE WERE TERRIFYED. We were so scared to go to sleep :’D hahaha we were scared it would find its way out. Finally we got to sleep.

Day 4-

When Miss Dignam came in to wake us up the first thing I done was turned on the light and checked if the spider was still there,thankfully it was. We got on the bus and so so much people felt sick on the way back,i was one of the people. The road was horrible! I was so glad when we got to the science center which was called “LIFE” . The stuff were soooooo cool, part of it was about planets. There was even a 4D MOTION RIDE which was super cool. The best parts was the robots. In the gift shop i bought a bouncy ball and this powder which was very good,there was different flavours. I really enjoyed that. Then we got back on the bus and headed home.

Night –

It was so enjoyable to be back in your own bed and see your family.


(im not at school because i’m sick)

(This took me like 1 hour)

Scarborough Homework Post


On the first day we went to vindolanda and it was really fun. Then we went to the hotel (The Grand Hotel) and went to our rooms to put everything away.Later we went to the beach.


The first night was good and nothing really happened.


On the 2nd day went to York. We went on  boat cruise and later explored an viking museum called YORVIK. After that we went to York’s Chocolate Story and tasted some chocolates.Then we went back to the hotel , had our dinner and went to the beach again.


The 2nd night was similar to the first one.



On the 3rd day we went to flamingo land and went on rides and go to the arcade. My favourite ride was “The Lost River” ride which actually got stuck but that was when I wasn’t on it. Then we went back to the hotel ,had our dinner and went bowling.


The third night was really bad because the light wouldn’t turn off so we went to tell Father Kristof about it. Father went and got someone from the hotel to help. They said we can give you another room but we weren’t allowed to switch rooms so we had to take light bulb out but once we did that all of our lights stop working! We got to sleep at 12:30 and we should’ve at 11:00.


On the 4th day we had breakfast packed up and went on the bus. On the way home we stopped at a science centre called Life and explored that.Then we went straight home and everyone was all back safe at the school.


why l was not at school for 2 weeks almost ?

l have had a cough and l had the flew then l was burning up and didnt sleep for nights and was sick and l went to the docters and they gave me medacin and it didnt work so we went back and got a STRONGER one and it took 4 days to make me better and then l felt a bit better so l went a walk with my dad to the perchy and half way we had to come back because l was sick and had a sore stomach so  l game back and went in a bath and it made me worsher so the next day l had a day in made with ice cream and l wasnt eating enough and the next 3 days l was in my bed and l got all better and l am eating good now and my appatite is back im all better and thats why l wasnt at school because l had the flew

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