Armistice Day

Today, at assembly, we commemorated Armistice Day.  Everyone took part in a minute silence to remember soliders past and present who have taken part in, or died in conflicts around the world.

We also learned about story behind the poppy, the symbol of Armistice Day.

Watch the film again, with your family at home, by following the link below:

The Poppy Story

Monday 11th November 2013

This week there will be lots of exciting, fun activites in the lead up to  Children In Need on Friday! Keep checking back here for more news throughout the week.

Children In Need – Homework Challenge

All pupils are invited to participate in the Children In Need Homework Challenge.  If you are interested in taking part you should design a 3D model of a Famous Sports Person.

Here are the rules for the challenge:

  • Choose a plastic drinks bottle (any size, any design).
  • Peel off the label and rinse through.
  • The bottle is to be transformed into a body.
  • The body is to be a representation of a sports person (e.g. Mo Farrow).
  • Any materials can be used to make the head, the arms, the legs, hands and feet (e.g tennis player head could be the ball).
  • Attach the body parts to the body.
  • Name your person character.
  • Make sure you add a tag to your model which lets us know your name and class.
  • Cross your fingers you are the winner!

Good Luck! Entries to Mrs Osborne by Thursday at 3pm!

R15 Assembly – David Livingstone

Today we were entertained by Room 15 who produced a fantastic assembly all about Africa and David Livingstone. They told us all about what they have been learning and treated us to some fantastic singing. They even choreographed an amazing dance routine.

Here it is for you to enjoy!!!

R15 Assembly David Livingstone

We also celebrated some fantastic achievements! Amirah P6 represented the school at the Lanarkshire Swimming Championships and managed to improve on all her times. Wonderful Amirah, we are all so proud!

Here are some of the photographs for you to enjoy!

Congratulations also to Mr Ritchie, who was presented with a wedding gift from everyone at Lawmuir! We all hope you have a wonderful day!

Parent Council Update

At tonight’s Parent Council meeting, the Parent Council welcomed Councillors Curran & Lyle and Community Police Officers to discuss parking issues around the school.  Further updates will be given.  In the meantime could  we please ask  parents to park responsibly and safely whilst dropping off and picking up children. Please avoid using the staff car park.  Thanks for your co-operation.

Friday 8th November 2013

Room 15 Assembly

Another school week is almost over, but before we can kick back and enjoy the weekend we are in for a real treat. Room 15, P5 starlets are sharing their learning with the whole school at 11am in the form of an assembly. Mrs Cooney, the class teacher, would like to take this opportunity to remind friends and family of Room 15, that you are very welcome to join us. As V.I.P’s you can meet our show stoppers  backstage to share a refreshment in our  kitchen. Photo’s and Autographs are optional!

Room 5 & Room 13 Farm Visit

Today is the day our little ones are off on their visit to Blackbog Farm! Hopefully the weather holds up and the boys and girls have a fantastic time meeting the cows and learning about how milk gets from the farm to the glass!

Golden Time

Golden Time is the time of the week our pupils’ can relax and enjoy the rewards that come from working hard all week and following the school rules! Enjoy your reward boys and girls I’m sure your teacher will agree, you deserve it!

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