Category Archives: Primary 6

Rev. McKenzie Retiral

At Friday’s assembly we said goodbye to Rev. McKenzie.  Rev. McKenzie has been part of school life for a number of years, leading assemblies, supporting R.M.E lessons and leading many of our celebration assemblies such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter.  Rev. McKenzie even married many of our pupils across the years at our Class Wedding.

We all hope you have a happy and relaxing retirement!

Friday 15th Novemeber 2013

Today is the last day of our celebrations for Children In Need!

Remember to come dressed as your favourite sports character for our Children In Need Non-uniform day!

Some classes will be completing the Dance-a-thon this morning and this afternoon we will be having a fabulous assembly with lots of Pudsey fun!

The competition to make a sports bottle into your favourite sporting hero is really hotting up! It’s going to be hard work judging all the entries to find a winner! Great effort everyone!

Parents Night!

Last night Parents, Carers and Pupils came to school for interviews with teachers. The Bookfair was also very busy as pupils and their families visited to buy a new book. Fairtrade goodies were also available, the chocolate bars were very popular.

If you were unable to attend last night and would like to speak to your child’s class teacher please contact the school to make an appointment.