Category Archives: Alert
Letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director
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Nut Free Zone
We have pupils in school with nut allergies.
As a result Lawmuir PS is a nut free zone.
Please be vigilant about packed lunches, sweets etc and ensure that no nuts come on to the school campus
Please do not send your child into school with any nut-based product for a snack or packed lunch – this includes:
- Nutella based products
- Spreads, e.g. chocolate spread
- Cereal bars
- Some types of biscuit containing nuts
- Condiments, e.g. satay sauce
- Cakes containing nuts
- Some snack pots containing nuts
It is important that you check the labelling of food products before sending your child in to school with them – it is not always apparent that products contain nuts or traces of nuts.
We also ask that, if your child consumes any nut-based product before school, they wash their hands thoroughly and rinse their mouth before entering the school grounds.
Thank you for your continued support.
Letter for J Leitch, Clinical Director
Arrangements for P1-3 Returning to School – 22nd Feb
Reminder – NL Virtual Classroom Update
From close of day on Thursday 27th January the NL Virtual Classroom will no longer be available. All the classrooms are now only available to access via the glow launch pad.
Free Solihull Understanding Your Child Course
solihull newsletterWhat is the Solihull Approach Online?
The Solihull Approach Online courses available are for all parents and carers across Scotland. In addition, the ‘Understanding your brain’ course is specifically written for teenagers to access directly. The courses are available in several languages and with an audio narration.
The Solihull Approach was developed by Health Visitors, Child Psychologists and Child Psychotherapists in 1996. It is embedded in child development and psychological theory. It focuses on developing nurturing and supportive relationships between children and their carer by promoting reflective, sensitive and effective parenting. It aims to improve the parent-child relationship as well as the child’s confidence, self-esteem and behaviour.
Transition Letter – Bellshill Academy January 2021
Please find attached an update from Bellshill Academy about Transition Plans.