Category Archives: Alert

Reminder – Christmas Lunch

Reminder that our Christmas Lunch will be tomorrow Wednesday 2nd December. If you haven’t already ordered your child should bring a packed lunch this day. Pupils can wear something festive along with their uniform if they would like. i.e. headband etc.

Scottish Child Payment

Applications for the new Scottish Child Payment are now open. The first
payments will not be
made until after 15
February 2021.
Scottish Child Payment is a payment for low income families and it will be paid to eligible  families at £10 per child, per week equivalent to £520 per year. There are no limits on the number of eligible children supported by Scottish Child Payment

You can get a Scottish Child Payment if all of the following apply to you:

you are responsible for a child under six years old
*you get certain qualifying benefits

*nobody else gets a Scottish Child Payment for the child
*you live in Scotland.

The qualifying benefits are Universal credit, child tax credit and working tax credit, income support, pension credit, income based jobseeker’s allowance and income related employment and support allowance.
The Scottish Child Payment will be administered by Social Security Scotland and paid on a four weekly basis

Applications opened on 9 November 2020 and can be made directly to Social Security Scotland
by online, over the telephone or in writing:

If your child turns six be fore the Scottish Child Payme nt starts on 15 Fe bruary 2021
you will not be e ligible to receive the payment even if you have made the application before
they turned six.

Scottish Child Payment

Applications for the new Scottish Child Payment aimed at tackling poverty open on 9th Nov first payments made in Feb 2021.

If you have a child under 6 and receive a qualifying benefit, apply at:
0800 182 2222
£10 per week, per eligible child.