Category Archives: Alert

Lawmuir Library Update

Dear Parent/Carers,
                                      Prior to Covid-19, we were delighted to share with you our successful application to receive a £5000 grant from the Scottish Library Information Council, to enhance our school library.  We are very proud to share with you today a video of our enhanced school library.
 Here pupils can now sit comfortably and read for pleasure in our relaxed outdoor themed library.  We have now increased our range of fiction and non-fiction books for e.g. STEM, Historical and Health and Wellbeing.  Please note, we now have child appropriate fiction books in our library to support pupils coping with different life events e.g. bereavement, divorce, anxiety.  Please contact the school office if you feel this support would be beneficial to read at home.
The library enhancement has been shaped listening to our pupils’ views and ideas and together we will continue to develop new library initiatives to encourage reading for pleasure.   Please look out for Class Reader of the Month coming soon!
We hope you like our library.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
Miss Law and  Lawmuir Rights Ambassadors

Digital Device

Does your child have access to a Digital Device for Home Learning? If the answer is no and you would like to be considered to recieve a free device please fill out the form link below.

These will be issued using the criteria from NLC.

One device issued per family

Club 365 Over Holiday Period

Club365 Winter holiday hub will be open 10 days at 18 venues during the winter holiday period for primary pupils.

On the 8 days that the hubs are closed, all primary children entitled to free school meals will receive £2.50.  Parents and carers will receive £20 in addition to the £30 from the Scottish Government.  A one off payment of £50 will be paid direct into bank accounts by Wednesday 22nd December.

For more information