Category Archives: Alert
Industrial action – update, Friday 2 September
Assembly Awards – 5th September
HT Update – 1st Sept 22
Proposed Industrial Action – 6th – 8th September
It is intended that all early years establishments, nurseries, primary, secondary and additional support needs schools will be closed between Tuesday 6 and Thursday 8 September (inclusive) due to industrial action which is affecting many councils across Scotland.
The industrial action by UNISON and Unite trade unions affects all staff (with the exception of teachers) in early years, nursery and school settings.
Children should not attend school during the three days of strike action. There will be online learning for children and young people over the three days.
Schools and educational establishments cannot operate for pupils without janitorial, cleaning, catering, technicians, early years and other school support staff.
Teachers, early years and other support staff who are not striking, will continue to work from their place of work over the strike days.
If you are in receipt of free school meals on the basis of low income, we will make arrangements to reimburse you in the same way as the free school meal summer payment. This will be through a direct payment to your bank account or via Paypoint voucher to your postal address and may take up to five working days.
We will be in touch regarding online learning for pupils before the strike days begin.
School will be open as normal on Monday 5th & Friday 9 September.
PE Kit
- Black Shorts
- White t-shirt
- Gym shoes or trainers
If you child doesn’t have a white t-shirt then a Lawmuir polo shirt is acceptable.
To help us get to gym quickly try to wear your PE Kit under your school uniform. If this is not something you can do you will still be able to change.
Water Bottles
Please do not allow your child to bring an umbrella to school. These can be dangerous in the playground and could cause an accident. If you do use an umbrella we ask that parents take them home again when their child enters the playground.
Please do not allow your child to bring an umbrella to school. These can be dangerous in the playground and could cause an accident. If you do use an umbrella we ask that parents take them home again when their child enters the playground.
To try and avoid stings pupils are having snack indoors before/after breaks for the time being. We will review this and let you know when it changes to be back outside. If you are in an upstairs class is would be helpful to have your snack in your bag rather than your lunch box (as these are left downstairs).
After School Clubs
Miss Harper has been working hard to arrange after school clubs for pupils. Look out for letters coming home offering these to you. Should you be successful a further letter will be issued asking you to give permission for your child.
More clubs and the details will be shared soon
P4-7 Basketball – Mondays
P1-3 Football – Wednesday
P4-7 Dance – Thursday
Lunch Menu Week Beginning 5th September 2022
It is Week 1 of the menu in the school this week:
All children in Nursery to Primary 5 receive a free meal. Parents/carers of children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 who may be eligible for a free school meal can find more information here.
IT Acceptable use
If you haven’t already done so, please return your IT acceptable use agreement form. If you need another one please email the school office
P1 & 2 Toothbrushing
Child Smile nurses will be visiting P1 & 2 classes next week to teach pupils about tooth brushing.
Parent Council
A reminder that a letter was issued this week about our Parent Council. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Parent Council, please express your interest by emailing the school office – no later than Friday 2nd September.
More information can be found – here
Nut Free School
Please do not send your child to school with items that contain nuts. This includes chocolate spreads such as Nutella & other brands.
We have children in the school who are allergic. Thanks
Pupil Council
This week pupils have the chance to put themselves forward to be their class pupil council rep. If your child is interested they should let their teacher kow who will conduct a class vote. Successful Reps will be announced after Wednesday 7th September.
Virtual Sleep Workshops – Wednesday 21st September
Educational Psycology Service is running a series of Healthy Sleep Habits for Children workshops. The first session is on Wednesday 21st September from 1.15pm – 2.45pm. If you wish to join in this session you should register, please click on the link below
Karate Taster Sessions – Wednesday 14th September
Wado Kai Karate will be in school on Wednesday 14th September to run taster sessions. Normal PE Timetable wont run this day to allow hall access. All classes take part and so all pupils will need their PE kit on this day.
What’s On Next Week
Proposed Industrial Action
It is intended that all early years establishments, nurseries, primary, secondary and additional support needs schools will be closed between Tuesday 6 and Thursday 8 September (inclusive) due to industrial action which is affecting many councils across Scotland.
The industrial action by UNISON and Unite trade unions affects all staff (with the exception of teachers) in early years, nursery and school settings.
Children should not attend school during the three days of strike action. There will be online learning for children and young people over the three days.
Schools and educational establishments cannot operate for pupils without janitorial, cleaning, catering, technicians, early years and other school support staff.
Teachers, early years and other support staff who are not striking, will continue to work from their place of work over the strike days.
What you need to know
If the strike goes ahead, you will need to consider making alternative arrangements for childcare on the days of industrial action on Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 September.
As all early years establishments and schools facilities will be closed to children and young people, there will not be any school meal provision on site, and there will not be any school transport (mainstream and ASN), breakfast clubs or school crossing patrols over the three days of industrial action.
If you are in receipt of free school meals on the basis of low income, we will make arrangements to reimburse you in the same way as the free school meal summer payment. This will be through a direct payment to your bank account or via Paypoint voucher to your postal address and may take up to five working days.
We will be in touch regarding online learning for pupils before the strike days begin.
HT Award Winners – 26th August
Virtual Sleep Workshops
Educational Psycology Service is running a series of Healthy Sleep Habits for Children workshops. The first session is on Wednesday 21st September from 1.15pm – 2.45pm. If you wish to join in this session you should register, please click on the link below