HT Update 22.05.23

Lawmuir Sport’s Day – Thursday 24th May

School Sports will be held on Thursday 25th May, outside (weather permitting). If it is a wet day then Sport’s Day will be held indoors.  Parents/ Carers are welcome to come along to watch, however, if the sports has to be moved inside, we will be unable to accommodate spectators.

No photography or videoing will be permitted.

There will be two sessions: ​

  • Morning until break (R3, R5, R6, R12, R16)​
  • After lunch until 3pm (R1, R2, R10, R13, R17)

P7 are visiting Bellshill Academy for transition visits, therefore, a date will be arranged by Mrs Stewart/ Mrs Burt and communicated to you in due course.

Pupils should wear their PE kit including outdoor footwear and bring a filled water bottle.  We would suggest applying sun cream prior to coming to school if the weather is sunny and provide a hat.

As this is a School House Competition, pupils are invited to wear their house colour, instead of their normal PE top. This is optional. Pupils who have forgotten their house can ask their class teacher.

  • Ben Lomond – Red
  • Ben Nevis – Green
  • Ben Schiehallion – Blue
  • Ben Vorlich – Yellow

Strictly, no football tops/kit as per NLC policy.


Reminder – Safe Parking

I remind you to park safely when collecting/ dropping off at Lawmuir PS.  Please do not park on the zigzags.  The Staff Car Park should not be used by parents collecting pupils.  There is going to be a collision or accident with the number of cars using the car park at the end of the school day.  Cars are entering & exiting, while pupils are walking through the car park to their parents cars.

Please park safely on Footfield Rd and allow your child to walk safely on the footpath to the gate.

We all need to work together in order to prevent an accident from happening.

Police Scotland have been in touch and will be carrying out spot checks in the coming weeks. It is an offence to park/stop/drop off on the zigzags.

Parent/Pupil Information Event at Bellshill Academy

On Tuesday 23rd of May, there will be an information session for P7s and parents at 6pm in Bellshill Academy. The event will finish around 7pm.



Two Day Transition Visit to Bellshill Academy

The P7 to S1 transition days will be Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th May. Pupils should make their own way to Bellshill Academy for 8.55am and will then be dismissed from the Academy at 3.00pm and make their own way home at the end of the day.